(Official) 2nd beta begins June 28 - Console, JQ and New map

All I can think of is:

-Explanation of JQ’s kit.
-Explanation of the F2P model they intend to use.
-Next beta sign-ups/access breakdown.

Other than that: I can’t think of anything else.

I was expecting a potential release date reveal, but they did that Sunday.

So expected them to cover when the next beta was, but they did that today.

Unless there’s stuff they’ve been saving, it feels like they popped off too soon.

Guess we’ll see.


I wouldn’t be surprised, but also it would be surprising if they just announced the date for the 3rd beta and maybe even revealed the Kanezaka Fox Girl.

But then that leaves “What else do you guys have to show before release?” type beats. So I’m genuinely intrigued about the stream on Thursday. If they indeed did blow their load too early, that’ll be a little… anti-climactic. But you’d think they’d have their schedule planned out to have what they did for the Xbox Game Conference + the beta announcement today so…


Yeah, I get the impression they weren’t expecting supports to bottleneck 122/5v5 nearly as much as they seemed to. I think we might see some more fun tweaks along the lines of Zen Kick™ going forward, as they try and plug the next leak in the boat before it becomes a problem.

Either that or do something further with QPC, since it did seem to have an impact on the queue times.


You’re telling me I have to signup again and watch hours of streams to get access again after already getting access to previous beta?

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PC and console except Nintendo. :joy: Sorry, guys.

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So no Fox girl? Lame.

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no way average people are going to get hyped for 1 hero and 1 map.
most are like dunkey and are just going to ignore ow2 now after they got bait n switched expecting a brand new game.

not adding comp mode is a huge mistake.
streamers are not going to play quickplay for 3 more weeks.

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fast on the gun was thinking of posting this but you beat me

no official blizzard blue post yet tho. heh

More than I expected. I thought there would be just a new hero and PC exclusive. They always surpass my expectations…

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I don’t think any amount of little tweaks are going to help Support. It was already beyond stale and the players are angry after years of empty promises and losing heroes to other roles. Plus, now they’ve made Tank waaay too fun on-top of effectively giving them three new heroes and a large portion of the Support playerbase were already flex players to begin with.

The only things they can do that will significantly help at this point are:

  • Actually releasing multiple new Supports.

  • Rework a DPS to Support. But Sym is the only real candidate and we can be pretty sure from what they’ve said that’s not happening in the near future.

  • Major reworks to existing Support heroes. But those have potential to majorly backfire and outside of Moira, Mercy is probably only real candidate that would be worth it.

  • Come out and hard commit to the next few hero releases being Support with no room for wiggle room.


I think Bap might be in line for a rework of sorts, too. His winrate stank in the beta, healing grenades in the world of 5v5 are an awkward fit, and Immortality Field is, well, let’s just say it’s a bone of contention for many players.

There’s room to stick an R ability for Mercy, too, in line with what you said. The trouble there is: will they dare to faff around with her kit after what happened last time?

As for new supports, I entirely agree. And with nicking DPS characters and turning them into supports. But if the future of OW is reliant on that then we’re kinda screwed, because I reckon Fox is all we’re gonna get for the foreseeable future. Would love to be wrong on that front though!

i played alot of bap. he wasn’t that bad if you can hit your shots. he needs his primary fire buffing via the speed so he can hit moving targets more consistenly. it is so over nerfed he does less damage than moira spam, unacceptable for a aim hero.

i get the feeling symm will be a support in this beta. they have no other card up their sleeve. i also get the feeling they rushed her kit or abilities so its gonna be real clunky at first.

hope im wrong lol

It was probably meant to release as the Experimental card was ending, but technical difficulties kind of kiboshed that plan.

Andy confirmed no Symmetra reworks,

PvE is out of the question. They want to finish PvP first and then push out content while continue to work on PvE in the background. I also dont think that we will see any kind of beta for PvE.

Edit: No fox girl? They really want long queue times huh…

ok thats good. didnt he say tho we will have to relearn her because of major changes? ill play her in the beta but i guess queue times will be high for dps too lol

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I didn’t think Bap felt that bad in the beta, but the data they released showed him as having the worst win rate out of everyone in the game, hovering around 42%-43%, so…I was wrong. RIP.

I don’t think they should buff his primary, though, outside of backing off on the drop-off revert. It can already do ~124 DPS. I don’t mind giving him a faster fire rate for fun, but I’m happy with LMB as-is for OW2.

i cant take those stats that seriously because everyone was playing quickplay and trying out the new stuff.
the only problem i had was the game is more chaotic so you have to shoot moving targets way more and his fire rate is super weak against moving targets

To manage expectations, he said there’d be some large adjustments, but no actual reworks.

Seemed to quietly dissuade the possibility of a support Sym.


Hopefully I will get in and be able to test Sojourn out.