Of course they would

Continuing the discussion from Mercy rework ideas:

They keep on locking the mercy threads and putting them into that one big mercy thread that all mercy forums go to. Honestly i find this very irritating like DON’T say you’re gonna listen to our advice when you won’t even take it. ALSO stop locking our forums and listen to what we have to say. This game is going downhill due to soo many problems, one including not listening to customers’ feedbacks. :roll_eyes:

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Three Mercy topics taken down in one day. It’s a new record.

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you must be new, that isnt a record


Seems so, 3 take downs in one hour seemed like a first. So, what is the record?

like…15, back when they first started this

They sure like to put Mercy threads together and lock the others, but don’t give any response/update or talk with the Mercy community at all. Saddening


If they cared for our feedback, her stupidly OP rework would never have hit live in the first place. ._. This company should be renamed to “Sunk Cost Fallacy Entertainment”.


Suggestions to change Mercy?
Blizaaard: NAH FAM. delete*
Ok, what about “Why private profile sux” Forums?
Blizaaard: THEY gud, they’re not toxic

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It is because they have other fish to fry. They can’t spend all their time on one character that has a pretty good balance. Mercy players seem to think she is the only character who needs work. I am sure they will revist her at some point and dont appreciate the tactic of hijacking the forums with multiple posts.

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They’ve moved like 20 at the same time before, this definitely isn’t a record

But they don’t lock them, they move them into the main thread. Jeff and other devs have stated many times they want everyone in the one thread for easier tracking of post.

And then they never post in that thread. Even when he saud he thought she was fibe, that was in a separate thread that then got moved.