OCE players ending up on SEA servers

Happening here a lot too. Needs to be fixed as starting to detract from wanting to play. Often getting into whole servers with AU/NZ players, but with terrible ping. Would be good to have some acknowledgement of the issue.

While this program is great, it lets you do something which should be already in the game. Unfortunately it bans you for 15 minutes for not joining the game.
Itā€™s 2023 and I canā€™t tell this game I donā€™t want to play in a server 6,000 kms away, Blizzard you have become a joke of a company and are truly a shell of your former self.

This is still outstanding after weeks, and I think getting worse with no OCE servers tonight and it feels like the ping is getting worse. And no response from blizzard.

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I made a report to blizzard about the situation and the response I got was a copy paste about matchmaking quality mmr. The support didnā€™t even acknowledge the situation at all. Bloody furious


Thats a complete joke of a response from Blizzard, this is clearly a blatant cost cutting measure from a company which has been raking in money through their massive price increases to skins and battle pass system


Time to come back to just bump this issue.

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Basically impossible to queue as a hitscan DPSā€¦ crazy this hasnt been fixed yet

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This is happening to me as well. 2/3 games are on SG servers. This only started happening in the last few weeks, it seems just after the lifeweaver update.

Iā€™ve submitted technical support cases but have been told that they donā€™t have any insight into the server side of things and to post on the forums instead, which seems rediculous as well?

This is NOT my routing, my ISP, or anything on the client side. Iā€™ve tested this on multiple connections, and tried using VPN etc and no difference.

It seems like the issue is more likely that Blizzardā€™s AU servers canā€™t handle the traffic and so it starts choosing servers from other regions. Either this is the case or they messed up something badly with the server picking algorithms in one of the recent updates.

Blizzard please at least acknowledge this issue!


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impossible to play overwatch at the moment with this lag. i thought it was just me but atleast 5 of my other friends have been having the same problem.

bought a new router and ethernet cable to be sure it wasnt me, ranked is unplayable at it all started about a week after season 4, have been playing since ovw1 release but this really makes it hard to play.

blizzard please

Can blizzard please sort their stuff out? Game is unplayable.

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Adding the list of OCE players ending up on SEA servers. Might as well just leave the game when it happens.

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Still happening a month later, no comment from blizzard though


Issue ongoing - still no acknowledgement from Blizzard

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Ive had 2 games under 120 ping this whole night


Anybody live in Thailand? How is the ping in Thailand?

OW2 Devs please keep the Singapore servers up!!!

Still an ongoing issueā€¦ Please fix this Bliz.

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Still happening right now. 9/10 games are 150+ ping.

I will not play on servers with latency this high.

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Canā€™t find a single Aussie server. Only ever joins Singapore servers. Issue way worse after latest update.

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Yeahā€¦ this is ridiculous

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Yeah every game tonight, waste of time, just going to tell my mates to avoid.

Great ā€œMonitoringā€ team.

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