Now that we've had Pro-driven Experimental

The Pros have had their turn.

How about a purely data-driven Experimental, based on statistics from the Master/Grandmaster ranks?

Ignore OWL entirely - we’re balancing the live game here, let the Pro cards fall where they may. It’s not going to ruin the game for low ranks, it’s just an Experiment, after all.

Buff the heroes that need to be buffed. Nerf the heroes that need to be nerfed.

Blizzard have all the information they need. They know who is strong. They know who is weak. There’s no uncertainty about private profiles or margin of error like there is with Overbuff - they have all the data.


Given the fact that the ExC was their idea, I’m not sure they could arrange a one car funeral at this point.


Also, given that it was always done a a bit of fun and to not go live.

I wouldn’t trust the “general” player base to balance the game. People think a hero is OP just because of pick rates…


Yes, they have too much secret knowledge like Mei’s ammo works for both Primary and Secondary.


Inside Overwatch: Balance Design and the Experimental Card - General Discussion - Overwatch Forums (

False. The goal was to balance the game, not memes. That was the excuse they fell back on when the community noticed that the majority of the changes were hilariously bad.

Classic example of the “It was just a joke” defense.

I didn’t suggest that anywhere. I suggested Blizzard try an Experimental card solely based on the data they have from the Master and Grandmaster competitive ranks, ignoring lower ranks and OWL entirely.


This patch was just for a fun tournament, and not to go live. They said it wasn’t going to go live and this was the case when they announced the panel and had no idea what the changes would be.

For content and attention before OWL starts.

No. The announcement that the changes would not be going live was made after the panel.

Damage control.


How about we have an experimental card based on the majority, instead of the minority


Given that the tournament was announced at least a month before the patch and it was said that the patch would be for the tournament only… I think you are just trying to justify something you didn’t like.

Easy. Because listening to player like me and you would be a really silly thing to do.


Did you even read the post where they claimed exactly as xx9 has said or are you one of those who just knows the truth without any research?


Provide the post then

It’s in the OP’s reply to you. They tried for the “PERFECT BALANCE PATCH”, and this is what they got.


This means nothing.

The post from Blizzard.

For the second time: Inside Overwatch: Balance Design and the Experimental Card - General Discussion - Overwatch Forums (


Did someone say hardcore Bastion, Sombra, Mei and Symmetra buffs?


so… listening to you is the same silliness as listening to the pro’s?

knew i was right

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This is just talking about the patch, how it might be fun. Nothing about changing their mind (because they didn’t). It even calls it temporary…

it talks a little about the normal experimental changes. But that this one was only fun to see what they’d come up with.

You’ve never been right my friend. That is why I proved that code for the “uNcOuNtErAbLe GeNjI”

Oh please. Who assembles a team of professionals with a goal to temporarily balance a game?

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