Now that we've had Pro-driven Experimental

Blizzard, for a fun tournament to drive attention and get people watching again so they could announce their updated with YouTube.


Give over , Love. You’re not going to get anywhere with this rock. It’s denser then you can imagine.


Serious question - do you actually know what balance is?

The goal wasn’t ‘design a patch’, it was ‘balance the game’. Those are very different things with different goals in mind.

The goal was balance. Balance is not a temporary state (unless a new hero is added).

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15th March…

The goal was never balance for this tournament.

They were given free reign (a few things even had to be removed after the panel suggested it because it wasn’t possible).


Like I said, something for some fun content to get eyes on the relevant channels.

As for my views on “balance”… It isn’t possible. So as long as they keep shuffling things about I am not that bothered. I will just read the patch notes and work out what to play from there.

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You have no clue.

(4:47 if the link didn’t work)

Just keep making things up, though.

Blizzard’s own post said the goal was balance and not memes. Soe on the panel said the goal was balance and not memes.

You’re the only one saying the goal was memes and not balance.


Who can forget all the fun changes such as:

  • this character is fine and needs no changes
  • this character is too strong and will get nerfed into oblivion
  • my character is too weak and will get buffed
  • +25 HP for Supercharger

If they were joking they wouldn’t have argued about giving Junkrats mines +5 damage for over 5 minutes.

They were serious and that’s why it’s so hilarious.


They decided to do it semi-sensibly… But they were given free reign to do what they wanted.

Just because they choose not to go totally mad, doesn’t really back your claim.

Blizzards own post says it was coming for FUN and ENGAGEMENT.

I never said memes, that is something completely different. I said it was meant as a fun tournament. Which it was.


Yeah, they tried to do it fairly sensibly. Which is fair play to them. They were given the keys to box and decided to behave.

If they’d of gone totally mad with the power, they probably would have failed on the 2nd part… ENGAGING.

175hp Tracer



They had their justifications for it.

Never said it was good. But 25hp extra for someone is a sensible suggestion.

They could have made her a tank…

Ah yes removing all the breakpoints that allow Tracer to instantly die is sensible. Except thats they only thing which even somewhat balances her.

Just stop.


They were not sensible

They did not behave sensibly

Keep telling yourself otherwise


Honestly. I couldn’t careless what they did in the video.

I was well aware before it, that it was going to just be for this tournament to make it a bit of fun before OWL starts.

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That wasn’t a pro-driven exc…

That was a like 3 pros and a few others-driven exc

I’m sure a lot of pros probably scratched their heads at what ended up on there


Based on the majority? So if a thing doesn’t get a few million signatories it doesn’t get added to the card?

You can’t get majority opinions in this game. At best, you can get a minority with the ego to think they’re the majority.

Like AllMight. He has the ego to assume all he does is right (even claims he is never wrong…)

Exactly this.

They were invited by Blizzard to design a balance patch for the game (not a ‘fun’ patch, a balance patch) that would be placed onto the Experimental card and used for a tournament. This was widely touted as the Pros finally getting a chance to balance the game properly in the days leading up to the panel.

At the beginning of the panel, the chair of the panel stressed that the purpose of the exercise was to balance the game, not to create a ‘meme-fest’.

The interview the Blizzard published with Geoff Goodman and Josh Noh again states that the goal of the exercise was for Blizzard and the pro community to develop a ’perfect balance’ patch by temporarily bringing on a team of pro players as consultants in a panel. While said patch was on the Experimental card, it would be used in a tournament.

After said panel concluded and the community reacted negatively, Blizzard posted an announcement to this forum stating that the patch would not go live. This was not stated at any point prior to or during the panel. It is quite clearly damage-control.

I don’t know why this is so confusing to people.


No. They said it was “not intended to reach the Retail environment”

Which means it was always the intention to never go live. And it was said before the fact that this was the case as a good chunk of people knew this.

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No, i mean balanced an Exp card based on the stats of the middle ranks, where the majority play… like plat, for instance…

diddn’t think i had to spell that out but ok…

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