Now Juno is here, what type of supports do you want next?

Kit wise, i would love a drone hero. I’ve played other games where supports have drones so i’m surprised OW doesn’t have one yet

I also would like something like sym 2.0 back, i miss shield generator lol.

As for characters who could be supports, i think theres quite a few in lore who could fit in the support category. Iggy, lynx 17, overlord, dae-hyun, sanjay and more yokai squad members.

A junker support would be cool as well as more vishkar and talon supports. Oh and we need a animal support hero!


Character-wise, I just want another evil/villain support. Moira is great, she’s one of my favorite characters, but… it’s been well over six years since she was added to the game, and she is still the only evil support we have. I think another evil support is way past due at this point…


Yeah agree i would love another evil support. Crazy we only have 1!


Shotgun, idc about the rest. give them a shotgun.
I demand a shotgun support.


Seconding a Shotgun Support.

A double-barrel would fit in perfectly as a Support Weapon with punch, but limits on how aggressive you can be with it.


We need Pinocchio, so it will be immune to sombra’s hack and virus

I always thought it would be funny if they gave a flamethrower to a support.


I have a whole hero I made up but I won’t get into the nitty gritty details, character-wise maybe more of an anti hero? I decide who lives and who doesn’t kinda guy (ik it’s like the medic from tf2 but there’s a reason ppl like him)

one that can counter Sombra in some way

Fire therapy haha I guess an ice support could work maybe someone stole Mei’s tech she left in Antarctica and gave it to talon

YEEEEEEEESSSSS PLEASE WE NEED THIS supp mains have had enough of playing dbd when there’s a sombra in the lobby

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Someone who can defend themselves at least.

A junker support with a shotgun would be cool

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(I have too many ideas lol) maybe a Deadpool kinda thing where they’re not really healing they’re just killing and regenerating their allies

He heals and attacks by stabbing needles into ppl

I see a lot of optimism from OP. I like it. :smiling_face:

Well, what does Overwatch need that’s interesting? I’d say… more than anything a new Support VILLAIN. Possibly Talon, and an omnic would be fine too. Currently the only support healer in the talon faction is Moira, and it’s a real shame to make the variety of this faction so poor unless there are some Mirrowatch events that make Ana, Mercy, etc. villains.

Which lore? I have several paths to follow, as abilities and as factions.

  1. The Super Coral. If you listen carefully to the voicelines at the Samoa museum and if you read the declassified book, it talks about this super coral that can purify the sea. It would be interesting to see a similar technology applied to an Overwatch hero. Maybe a marine biologist.
  2. A faction that really needs to be elevated better? Los Muertos. Sombra has long since left that faction, and it would be really interesting to resume new lore described in the declassified book about the Xibalba AI in Mexico.
  3. What do you think… of a movie star? It would be interesting to see a character who is a bit frivolous, a “bad guy” who pursues a much more superficial interest… but with great monetary power in the game. Money is a big engine for dirty business. Why not exploit this side? Maybe… the actor Thespion? :thinking:
  4. Another concept to explore could be an Italian hero, we now have 3 Overwatch maps dedicated to Italy. It could be a Colosseum fighter… or Vialli’s replacement for Talon’s business in Italy.
  5. I would like to consider the figure of a government agent who sincerely wants to enforce the Petras Act without necessarily wanting to support Talon and Null Sector’s actions. A character who always wavers in ending up helping Overwatch but in reality at the end of the mission he should arrest his agents.
  6. What else is REALLY missing from the world of Overwatch? More omnics. I mean omnics from the awakening generation like Ramattra and Zenyatta, sentient omnics who shouldn’t necessarily be part of a large omnic faction like Shambali or Null Sector… but also simple omnics from neutral factions, like a group of scientists. Omnics must be less alien to the culture of the world that Overwatch describes in the integration of humans and omnics.
  7. Last concept, which I’m always surprised doesn’t get mentioned: gwishin. We literally have a type of robot that can get very close to the concept of “shapeshifting animal” without necessarily involving a genetic narrative. Bastion is still a bit too humanoid, but a gwishin could make for some fantastic innovative concept art.

Since the devs want more unique crazy designs, Flamethrower Support.


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and have them throw healing grenades that leave a lingering healing mist that heals slowly. Ohhh thats a cool idea.

he can be roadhog and junk rats adopted son.

I want a support that can create several healing pools like soldiers E in specific locations which will encourage teammates to fight in those spots. It will be sort of a way for a support to make some kind of space without actually being a tank. (plus lowkey force them to group up)

We’re overdue for a support hero who grants shield hp. We still haven’t had a hero fill that role since Sym’s rework 6 years ago

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