Now Juno is here, what type of supports do you want next?

With the Juno’s release we could say that she has a utility very similar that we always got with Lucio.
So her niche would be for players that want speed boost but don’t like to play Lucio. Then, I’d like another support with some anti-heal mechanics. We really need to take Ana down for the first time since her release, and If the devs refuse to actually nerf the Anti Nade then release a new hero with the same mechanic.
I know that the balance would probably go to the garbage and Kiriko would be even more necessary to counter, but we can think that Ana + this new supp are going to have zero synergy, like Mercy + Lucio, Mercy + Weaver, Lucio + Zen or something like that.

I second this also an ice support

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Hear me out a support with a primary fire of dmg and heals and three drone abilities one gives 75 shield hp one does 45 hps ( has 10 hp) one does 55 dps ( has 50 hp) and he’s like an evil omnic maybe from null sector or talon or even los muertos take your pick . WAIT HOLLUP I COOKED

I just want more supports that’s fun to play and has a lot of skill expression. While kiriko’s suzu isn’t the healthiest ability out there, aside from that she’s super fun to play and has a lot of high skill expression and ceiling.

I feel like they missed the mark with illari. She’s simple in design, but not in a good way like lucio. I feel like she needs a bit more depth and complexity to her kits, otherwise she gets boring to play fast.

They had the idea right with life weaver. His kit is very interesting and fun to play. His design would’ve been perfect if it wasn’t for his large hitbox and wonky mobility.


A meka squad member could make a good support/tank like hero


For me Juno is the Apex of Support roles.

Maybe Jetpack Cat would be nice. Healing by rubbing againist teammate’s legs and an exploding catnip ball Ult :heart_eyes_cat:


Blizzard said they wouldn’t make anymore de-mechable heroes so they would need to be just the mech

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I would love jet pack cat!

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I would love……for them to stop adding heroes and just focus on getting the ones we do have to as good a state as possible…

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This is a tough one there’s a lot of variation in the supports and the overwatch team have done a great job design wise so with that, I’d maybe go for a character similar to that crypto guy in Apex and be recon related but doing slight damage or slowing down others with the drone and easy to take down of course, maybe it even highlight your position while using the drone so you can’t hide in corners all the time without worry.

I still think it’s high time they make an actual Mercy-like support so that Mercy can be less of a black hole for people with zoomies. Like just one other support who can yeet themselves over the map, but who functionality covers areas that Mercy’s kit does not–like maybe something more in the realm of utility/disruption.

I’d also like another area control/peeling specialist. Brig is cute and all but I want something that’s a little less “whacking at whoever you can reach,” and a more of guard dog playstyle with boo-boo kissing capabilities. Like Pyro, but with a sandvich.

Something similar to the Scientist from the Plants Vs Zombies shooters gameplay wise. I love the little shotgun that character has in some of the games.

Personally I think that playstyle could work for a junker support!

Anything but another young girl. Although top priority is a villain support like Sanjay.

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Give me a cute support from Numbani who’s themed around science / tech and traditional ancestral veneration.

If the shimada’s can blend together their tech and whatever “definitely not magic” they’re using to summon dragons and foxes, then Numbani should have that down too. Many African countries irl are big on spirituality & traditional beliefs, so it makes sense.

And give me a cute animal support please. Marvel Rivals has Jeff, League of Legends has Yuumi. Jetpack cat is RIGHT there. Just do it!

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Anything that does require aim both to heal and to dps. Give me that and you can put whatever you want in its kit.
(Actually i lied, i also need a support without broken dmg potential (Hello Bap) and without another immortality/immune thingy. Or at least put it as an ultimate, that’s fine (Hello again bap and suzu)).

Blizzard should take a look at Paladins support heros…

They are all so much more fun then ow supports

They actually feel like supports instead of healbots like this game…

Lilith for example is a vampire… I just love the diversity in paladins compared to ow

Junker support would be really cool :slight_smile: