Notice *how* mei came on scene

It was back to back widow v widows before one side decided to go with more team play.

Mei wasn’t the go to. She came from the idea to work with her team. Suddenly that held more stable results than one v ones on widow. But both saw equal results. One just “felt” more secure even though the stats were the same.

I hope the Devs account for this before meis rework 3 months from now :upside_down_face::upside_down_face:

Edit- just to be clear, I’m just sharing my observation about owl and balance and trends. I am not saying a nerf or rework is needed for mei


… put the rework toolbox down please. Thank you.


Sorry mei. You touched owl. It’s nerf town until next week when a streamer screeches to high heavens that mei blocked an ult with ice block.

Then the rework begins


tbh i hate reworks


I hate reworks just because a character is popular.
Like why.
If there is nothing and the character is just getting chosen a lot, that’s not an automatic reason to change anything.


Mei is too well made and she is too non-intrusive, unlike alot of other really annoying heroes (like Doomfist, Hanzo, old Brigitte, Sombra and others).
If you die to her, it is your own fault, as you have time to react with the escape abilities that almost the entire cast has, not to mention that your team is able to save you. If you die to her freeze, you probably mis-positioned anyway, as her freeze range is quite short.

Mei’s only reason for being in OWL is to counter the Orisa/Roadhog-combo.


I actually don’t enjoy watching her in OWL, but she is NOT a ladder problem by any stretch, and I honestly don’t find her that bad to play against, she has plenty of weaknesses, range being one, being slow another.

She definitely doesn’t need nerfs.

I do expect she’ll get them though, no matter how much they want to insist they don’t make balance decisions based in OWL.

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I don’t think with forced 2-2-2 revealing a Mei/Reaper brawl combo in OWL we’re going to see dramatic changes if any to either. Plus with a new tank about to be released on top of several other changes on PTR it will be some time after the dust settles whether data can show if Mei is performing too well.

OWL meta =/= average player meta

Only because she an high pick rate in the OWL it doesn’t mean that she should be touched. In OW comps her pick rate goes around ~2/3%, and probably because the team comps favor her or there are people who actually learnt to play her (since there are players that probably watched OWL and said “hey, look that Mei. If i learn her, i could wipe the enemies easier”).
An interesting trend is that her win rate becomes higher by going higher in the various ranks. Below gold/plat she doesn’t work well, after plat the win rate goes to 50-55%.

I think it’s totally deserved for this hero to be in meta for once, since she was at least 12-15 seasons off-meta. I hope the Mei-ta could last as long as possible

Mei is there to make the tanks a free kill for the other dps.

Thats all overwatch has been for the last year is just focus the ever living crap out of a tank that can’t move or use abilities, and then clean up the rest of the team.

That… That’s what a tank is for tho… To take dmg…

I get frustrated too but no more than when I’m perma dead as zen or can’t kill anything because the enemy ran triple shield just because I went Ashe :woman_shrugging:t5:

This is unfortunately too true. Once it impacts OWL the hero has a rough go of it.

A tank has to have their own individual counterplay between all of the tanks you’re able to select.

No tank on the freaking planet wants to play a game where they spectate a reaper popping them in the head while their only counterplay is to hit the voice chat button and ask for help.

That is just HORRIBLE gameplay. Even pros can’t avoid being frozen forever.

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Guess if they didn’t have blocking, cc, high dmg, and high health pools… I’d say it was unfair.

But none of what you said can’t apply to baptiste , zen or brig fairly equally :woman_shrugging:t5:

Reworks are fine when they’re needed.
I think Torb, Sym and (soon) Bastion were needed. Torb is obviously the best one.
Also Sombra and Mercy were not really mandatory but ended in a pretty good spot so why not.

I don’t think Mei need a nerf, next PTR patch is already one (with the slowdowns not stacking anymore.


Idgaf what other roles have.

You tell me what the tank role has, and like I said above not even the highest performing players in the world avoid being frozen.

Tanks are not tanks when they aren’t using abilities.

Well then that just sounds like you want an exception. And tbh that sounds unfair.

I don’t like dying. I’m not asking for my heroes to self Rez.

So tanks just get hard countered by reaper and mei dps and there is nothing we can do about it?

Live with it is what you’re saying. Wtf are your 2 tanks that you are required to pick doing all game?

I find that if you have two people fighting you, then maybe that’s fair that you die if you’re by yourself.

Plus, some heroes are sacred and never touched, while some are just not allowed to be popular.

Like, Rein was meta since forever. No nerfs. Orisa became meta and was nerfed hard in the same month.

Genji has been good forever, and was arguably OP until powercreep on other DPS caught them up. Barely touched. Junkrat became meta and was immediately smacked down to F tier. It wasn’t even necessary, they got him balanced first, but they just kept going for no reason until he was trash.

Now they’re doing it to Brigitte. She’s D tier now, but I guess D isn’t low enough.

They even nerfed Torbjorn because people were actually playing him for once.

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