Forum balance in a nutshell

Since launch?
The 150 hp paper Zen?
Nah, not really since launch.


alright since like season 3

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I’d like for you to sit down, and rest your case.

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Do you have a minute to talk about Brigitte?


Do not speak that ancient, cursed name, i was there at its creation.

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and people have been complaining about Mei’s anti-fun kit since the game was in beta. It’s not new.

lmao “I’d like to share with your the story of our savior of suffering”

I humored you and checked 4 of the link cause I’m assuming you just “meI” in the search and copied every link you could find without looking at them, btw nox your topic is the last one.

16 hours ago is the first, 3 days ago is the last and the two in the middle are from 2 days ago. Like I said “SHHHHHHhhhhhhhh” :zipper_mouth_face::zipper_mouth_face::zipper_mouth_face:

Your tearing a bandaid off a healing wound and risking infection. And tell me to sit down again and Imma make a 3 page document about everything oppressive about mei :rage:

Aye, you got me.
Gotta leave.


And it all comes full circle.

What kind of drugs are you on right now?

Hanzo is still being moaned about.

I’m pretty sure you could make Hanzo legitimately F tier and people would still complain about him being busted more than at least half the roster.


You could make all flavor of the month F tier and there will be someone that moans about it.

Like DF after the air lock nerfs. I killed a Rambo ana with NerfFist and I got called cancer XD

in 2023 he now uses a slingshot that fires pingpong balls

I was using my 3000 damage genji ult and I slipped on a ping pong and fell off the map. This is ridiculous how am I supposed to get my 6K tactical nuclear airstrike kill streak rewards with these ping pong balls all over the map, nerf hanzo already it’s too OP I trip over my feet" -sincerely GenjiMain1337uberHaxorOWLpro

Okay, listen… Mei is CANCER to play against. As is my own main, so i don’t even mind that so much.
She can be annoying to deal with, especially if you’re playing a tank.
Yet i’ve never called her op. She has clear weaknesses and while she might need some minor adjustments… I don’t think she needs a true nerf at all.

Hanzo on the other hand…
It feels as if he’s simply doing too much. His kit is simply overstuffed. One-shot, Tank-busting, Infra-sight AND Mobility on top?
Something just has to go…

Wow GG great way to say that a hero’s balanced when the first counter you propose involves teamwork/communication between team members, something that Overwatch famously lacks.


I never said Mei is OP AND A BROKEN HErO, if you read my post you’d know that it was a suggestion and I don’t care if it actually happens or not, though many people see it as an actual problem. It wouldn’t actually affect Mei in any sort of way and would reward players for higher skill who can pull off kills reliably and not just refreezing the enemy to pull it off (mainly tanks).

I don’t think I’ve seen much of anyone saying that she’s overpowered. She has the same problem as a handful of other heros in this game:

Brigitte 1.0

She is NOT fun to play against. It’s not that she’s hard to play against, or overpowered, or difficult to synergize with. She’s just simply un-fun and a negative impact on the game as a whole. Enjoying playing any specific hero should not come at the detriment of ruining the game for 6 others.

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At that time, they complained he is such a troll pick and need a buff.

Mei is really just unbearable on 2 cp. My God do I want to punch the screen when I face a defense mei on hanamura…