Nothings Changed Shocker

End of last season I was actually getting good games that felt balanced I was going on winning streaks for the first time in forever and now we come to the start of this season where ive lost 10 games in a row and have won 4, not a big ratio but its nice to see im still going agaisnt teams dropping 4000 kills and mine dropping 3, not switching, going in solo, playing outta los for the supports its just so fun!


I am having the exact opposite. People playing as a team and waiting before going in. May have lost a few but can now drill down to the specific team battle that lost us the game.

Different experiences, same game?

I will say, it’s still early for me. Maybe the match quality is still high. I’ll start getting the new player potatoes once my certainty kicks in.

“once my certainty kicks in”.

What the f you on about dude. Just play the game, stop making rubbish up.

I think you guys use the same account now. It’s hard to update one person and then another person doesn’t even know what was written earlier.

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I’m only on one account dude. You seem to have confused yourself.

Then your memory is so bad it’s hard to carry previous concepts from one thread to another.

Mmr is a value AND an uncertainty. Posted quotes, had a whole discussion….

But now you don’t know?


Yeah, you made up uncertainty as a thing, to justify your point rather than accept you were wrong.

Like I said.

Hopefully this switch happens for me cuz good lord, last night I had a game where the tank had 3 kills dps had 1 and 2 but it was the supports fault cuz the 2 dps that constantly pushed enemy spawn and died or hid behind walls spamming for heals wasn’t the issue. Can’t win every game of course but with the small amount of games that i won they felt balanced? Like teams fought for robot/point back and forth that each one could’ve gone either way then the losses were just pathetic where it was obvious from the start it was a loss. It’s always just confusing how the game can put me with a group of players who know what their doing and play good and then the game after that those same people are on the enemy side and I’m now on a team of ppl either throwing or not knowing how to play

This is 100% my experience too. I hate to say it but it is very obvious that as a solo player Im being put with casuals vs teams every time, and the team has at least one smurf. My stats are way better than other supports across the board but in every game one of the enemy team will have like 4 times the dmg and kills. Ive gone down 4 divisions in 3 days and its beyond obvious that the matches are massively unfair.

Uncertainty is a simple concept used in games to determine your general skill. Why are new accounts and smurfs so volatile? Because the game is constantly trying to gauge where they belong based on the limited data it has.

What is the easiest way to make uncertain accounts more certain? By putting them in games with mostly certain accounts used as control variables. However the side effect of this method is forcing certain accounts to play with and against a large amount of noobs and smurfs. This results in many games being a stompfest, which has been widely reported with evidence that you continue to deny. I hope this helps.


Thanks. I understand what someone being uncertain is.

The systems bob describes are nonsense though. But he’s prone to over thinking these things. Poor chap.

It’s engagement-based unless it pings you as a smurf. You’ll win up until they throw the losses at you. Then after a few losses they let you climb again. Then sometimes it’s w/l/w/l. You can see it happen to everyone. It even happens to the best.

What even is this lol.

There’s nothing engagement based. The match maker has no idea who’s a smurf, and has no access to your match records so has no clue if you’ve just won or lost.

Literally everything you said there is made up.

“The point of modern propaganda isn’t only to misinform or push an agenda. It is to exhaust your critical thinking, to annihilate truth.”
― Garry Kasparov

If no one can think… then we only can spend and the casino continues the long con reaping benefits till the population is broken… then the casino throws a bone so that the cycle continues ad infinitum to ENGAGE a population without fixing core elements, which sadly is the most efficient method of making money!

Pretty much this yea I’ll win 5 games then lose 5 games win 5 then I go w/l/w/l/l/w then lose a bunch then win a bunch and rinse and repeat

Bruh, unless you have a dev come on here and write that the matchmaker isn’t engagement-based, your word means jack, Smallpackage’s beta account. I want it written that the only factor it takes in is Wins vs Losses and it’s just 10 random players being thrown in with the same MMR. Everyone knows that after a win streak comes a loss streak. It even happens at the top of the ladder. Get Aaron or Morgan on here to confirm, they won’t though because it’s not true.

Get your buddy Aaron on here

So untill a Dev tells you otherwise (which they have already done in various interviews over the years), you’ll continue to spread misinformation…


Who’d have thought if you win a bunch, your MMR goes up, play better players and lose. Shocking.

Also, the match maker has no access to see if you won or lost a game.

h ttps://

Around 8:45 is the Devs talking about it, as you requested.

I know you want it to be some malicious stuff going on… But sometimes, matches just are bad, and sometimes their good. Nothing funky going on. It’s not some crazy conspiracy

  1. Where is it in writing? They’ve lied for years on camera about different items that we later found out weren’t the case. Remember “We will never force a meta.”
  2. He mentions, “it’s completely invisible to that part of the matchmaker” specifically. What is the other part of the matchmaker doing? I thought it was, let’s grab 10 different players with similar MMR and throw them into a game. Why is there another part to the matchmaker that is looking at WvL? Until we get all the parts explained in text format,

I’m still not buying it.

Blizz is still a business, and making the game grinder to extend players’ playtime helps them sell BPs and skins. Once they learn to be a trustworthy company, we’ll believe you again, but there are too many shady monetary cuts (cheaper/fewer servers), grind-focused ranking, and corporate mistakes being made.

How do you watch a top 10/50 player go on loss streaks that they had no way to win then all of a sudden a win streak follows? That’s not a natural cap. I don’t see them playing against the players above them on the rank, but I see players on their team that shouldn’t be anywhere near their MMR.

A win streak followed by a loss streak, sounds like the same story I’ve heard probably twenty THOUSAND times literally. Game is broken.

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This is the biggest bit of goal post moving I’ve seen,

You wanted devs telling you. Devs tell you.
“oh but it isn’t in writing”.

You know it is easier to lie in writing right… no one can observe how you say things, and how you behave as you’re saying it.

Fine. But that isn’t even remotely relevant. If you want to be wrong, you can be. The information you need is out there, you just choose to ignore it or find excuses.