Nothing transfered

Same exact problem for me. I will not be playing until my account is restored.

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I have my xbox account linked correctly and when I give the option to merge accounts, it doesnā€™t work, I donā€™t want to lose all my progress and time, fix this as soon as possible, please

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Yup. Same here. Itā€™s like didnā€™t send any data to the new gameā€¦ sad

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My account is also completely wiped out, I donā€™t know if I can play overwatch and earn everything when I know I already put more work in than any of these new people

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Really sucks and killed my initial hype


I lost everything too

omg it looks like ive been added to the list. entire account is at square 1. everything is gone. i am crushed


Same here I didnā€™t have that many cosmetics but I want my characters back


Just adding to the situation. Logged in Xbox account of 5+ years and it overwrote my progress with a PC account of under an hour. Unlinked the account and tried to relink, same issue. No desire to play.


Totally sucks man years of work jus wasted. Hopefully this gets fixed as soon as possible.

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Same here. I have hundreds of unlocks all gone. Itā€™s as if Iā€™ve never played the game before. (Iā€™ve been playing since the release of OW1 and I have so many hours of grinding for those cruelly horrible loot boxes!!!).

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Bro Iā€™m so upset about this I better get my account back


Yep! Waited in queue all that time just to see a fresh account (on pc). My xbox account is linked to my already. Now Iā€™m in queue again on my old Xbox One hoping I can find something in the options to merge. Only 30,000 others ahead of me :confused:

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Same thing is happening with me. none of my stuff transferred. Itā€™s basically like my account never existedā€¦

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Same. I lost everything. Iā€™m bummed about all the cosmetics, but I really donā€™t want to have to unlock characters like a brand new player. Iā€™ve got something like 800 hours. Donā€™t make me start from scratch.

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Mine is the same. I had 6 years of OW1 on my console and about 1 year on my PC. Nothing from either account is there. Preferabbly all my OW1 stuff from my console would transfer. That would seem like a waste of grinding all those years

Same here whole account is set to square one and also getting that red error when im about to finish the terrible queue sigh kinda upsetting.

Same here i worked so hard in overwatch1 and got almost all skins and i just logged in all of my skins and characters are gone i hope they fix the game and solve the problem

Same, completed all Pre-Launch steps and nothing transfered. Ive been trying to play since launch time and only my Origins skins have appeared. Iā€™m on the new hero track and not enjoying myself with the limited roster.

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Same. Itā€™s like my account is fresh. I donā€™t have any cosmetics,golden guns, career profile stats etc. But I do know that Iā€™m using the correct battle net account.

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