Nothing transfered

Same. Years of playing and everything is lost

All my stats and skins transferred, but the heroes themselves are locked as if Iā€™m a new player. I can literally changed my skins if I want, it gives me the option, but I canā€™t play the heroes at all. Itā€™s messed up

Same here I wanted to play with my brother and nope nothing transferred

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I am on the playstation and i have also lost all of my items and cosmetics and lvls hopefully this can be restored


Same here on PS5. Hopefully this issue gets fixed soon

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Yeah I went back and double checked, and sure enough my BN account is in fact linked with my xbox. It sucks cause most of my friendsā€™ stuff carried over. This had better be a temporary issue.

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Same here, characters are locked, no skinds, and what im most upset about is my sensitivities are all reset also. xbox1 here

I finally got into the game after of hours of waiting, had my account merged, even played as Baptiste. Then got kicked out to having none of my champions an being treated like a new account? Please help.

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I played one match in the hopes that it was just a thing where they wanted people to do one AI match before they pushed everything throughā€¦i was sorely wrong

If they did in fact do that and nothing is able to come back they will have a massive lawsuit against them considering how many people spent IRL money on things they no longer have access to and were promised.


Same here, I have my skins but canā€™t use the heroes lol

i got a QR code - opened it on phone - signed into battlenet - it said when game restarts I would have everything - but I have NOTHING and it has me doing the beginners training! at least 6 years of play GONE - REALLY HOPING they figure this out - right now Iā€™m pretty pissed and sad


Apparently 50 games to unlock comp, 100 to unlock all characters. roughly 20 hours give or take, more than likely less time but still waaaaay too much time considering.

For some reason I did all the steps, I logged in and it said ā€œmerge completedā€ had all the characters and skins. Now I log in and the ā€œmergeā€ is gone, characters are locked but I still have skins. What?!

I got in and everything was Transfered from the PS4 to PC Mostly for me. the only ones that didnā€™t make it was the Legendary Skins like Strike Commander 76 or Noire Widowmaker didnā€™ t make it. havenā€™t gone back yet due to time and que wait time.

I dont know about you but i paid money for some of the skins over the years and their not even list


Followed all the steps just to be met with a completely blank account


Same here I had all genji cosmetics unlocked just for this to happen.


Same. Briefly managed to log in this morning and despite buying watchpoint pack the premium pass is locked, no access to Kiriko and balance showing as 0.
I know its a known issue at this point, just adding my voice.
Hope this gets fixed for everyone soonā€¦been looking forward to OW2 since first announcement and have been an OW1 player since the beginningā€¦ saddens me a little to see the issues, but understand there was very little chance of a smooth launch ( issue free day one rarely happens with any new game i know). Cmon Blizzard turn this around quickly please!


Everything I had owned is gone and I hope Bungie fixes this I want everything back or I want compensation for losing everything, I also boight the watchpoint pack but havenā€™t got nothing.

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