Nothing for Reinhardt, huh?

He literally suffered from bugs for 2 years. Bug fixes and few minor buffs won’t kill other tanks, he’s in desperate need of them.

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Bug fixes are fine, I always 100% support bug fixes.

But buffs? Pls no.

Rein isn’t just valued for his shields, otherwise Orisa would be more popular. He’s an exceptional close range duelist, has a barrier piercing attack, and a phenomenal ultimate. There’s lots of reasons to go Rein.

He gets destroyed by the CC in this game more than any other tank. Have you seen a Roadhog tossed around by Junkrats mines? Have you seen a Brigitte going to stun a Zarya only for her team to follow up with other stuns? Of course you don’t.

Reinhardt is the most tank to suffer from CC, and we want him just to hold his ground nothing much. Buffs are needed and we won’t stop until they give him what he deserves and needs.

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For an anchor tank, he spends more time in air than on ground.

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“we don’t care if he’s balanced, we’re not gonna stop until he’s OP again”

Let me answer your title
No, sadly, No, Nothing :confused:

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If you actually read what we wrote you would realize that we don’t want him OP, we want him viable. But sure whatever you say mate… I’ve learned to ignore trolls

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If you want him to be viable you should be happy where he is now, because he IS viable. He’s borderline meta ffs.

U wanna see what unviable looks like for tanks? Try playing Orisa or Zarya.

Whatever you say mate.

Besides why do you think we’re not happy that he’s “meta”, think on that for a second.

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Why don’t u tell me, since ur the one arguing for buffs …

And Bastion is still hot garbage

I don’t know how you you think Orisa and Zarya are nonviable.

Zarya has seen the same uptick in play as Rein since her, Rein, and Brig form the nastiest core for the 3/3 build. 3rd tank can be either Hog or DVa while the other two supports are Lucio and either Mercy or Moira. That comp doesn’t die.

Orisa has become kind of a go-to for an enemy team has a particularly annoying Brigitte since I can do to her what I do to Rein: melt her barrier, call for focus-fire, kill her, and proceed with the team fight. Furthermore, Orisa still reins supreme against any spam comps which are being empowered now by the new Spamzo rework lol

I can’t properly navigate Overbuff rn cause I’m on a phone, but I can see that Orisa and Zarya are the only tanks with a less than 3% pickrate across all heroes, all ranks. Every other tank has a greater than 4% pickrate.

If Zarya is being played w Rein and Brig, and Orisa being used against them, these are virtually the only situations they are being used, and even then only sometimes.

This is especially damning for Orisa because she is the only tank to have never been meta, having been underpowered since her debut, which makes the nerfs she’s had laughable. She is the Symmetra of tanks.

As for Zarya she just stopped being relevant since the beginning of dive.

You seem to know what’s is best for Reinhardt for a silver ranked Symmetra main, even more than a diamond and above Reinhardt mains.

When you see Reinhardt mains asking for nerfs to the character that made Reinhardt “meta”, you know something isn’t right. Besides at this point we know that buffs and nerfs won’t change the pick rates of heroes but will change how viable they’re. Like Sombra, Doomfist, Reaper, and Mei buffs. They didn’t change their pick rates at all but made them viable again.

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Nerfing Brigitte, and buffing Reinhardt won’t effect other characters at all. But it will finally fix how broken Brigitte is, and will make Reinhardt a viable pick not just meta. People pick him now for Brigitte, and if there’s no Brigitte no one will dare to pick Reinhardt. See the problem?

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Pls rank bully me some more, just shows everyone you have no actual counterargument.

The idea that no one will pick Rein without Brig is blatantly false because before Brig existed he was still 3rd/4th most popular tank (depending on rank). In other words, right in the middle of all tanks, which to me says he was balanced, just as he is now.

But the truth is rein is useless outside of very few specific maps. (Without brig)

He’s mostly used in the mid/low ranks because he gets more impact than winston because winston is a harder hero to be very good with.

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I’m not rank bullying you, I’m just telling you that we have more knowledge about Reinhardt than you’re. Stop playing the victim.

Also you’re wrong, Reinhardt has never been ok with the bugs and he’s been effected by power-creep in the game in a bad way. With all the damage buffs to the dps characters and the insane increase of CC abilities in the game, he can’t hold his ground or be stun chained to death. The addition of Brigitte was the worst of them all, she can destroy what left of his viability by one click every 6s. We’ve seen heroes getting unnecessary buffs and nerfs every now and then, but nothing to the heroes that actually need it like Bastion and Reinhardt. Just because his pick rates got high all of a sudden because of the addition of one character, doesn’t mean that he is fine or all the weakness he has are gone. Especially if that new hero hard counters him.

You need more game knowledge, because of your “his pick rates are high, he’s fine” argument doesn’t hold any valid points.

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