Nothing for Reinhardt, huh?

That’s simply not true tho.

At every rank until Masters, he is second most played tank. Considering that most of the playerbase is Diamond or below, I wouldn’t say this is a low rank issue.

And even above this, he is still third most played.

In season 10.
The only time we’ve had brig.
(And in season 10 he’s the most played tank outside of bronze and silver)

In season 9 you would never see rein outside of very few certain maps in GM or masters.
He just wasn’t good enough to be even considered over winston/orisa.

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Winston is a main tank but not an anchor tank. Orisia and rein are the only anchor tanks

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Even before Brig Rein was squarely in the middle of tank pickrates, FAR above Orisa, and even Zarya (perhaps Hog too but not sure about that one).

Orisa has been consistently the worst tank since her debut, and the only rank she sees significant play is Bronze. She is leagues below Rein in the eyes of the competitive community, and always has been.

Solid pick rates != unbroken hero.