I don’t like this meta, despite being a Reinhardt main. Being a meat shield and a slave to Brigitte dragging me around isn’t as fun as people think it’s.
I was playing Rein in QP today. A group of 3 DPS and 1 support were standing around, grouped up, and I ulted on top of them, and the animation hit all 4 players. Guess how many took the stun and damage? You guessed right! 0 players! The enemy players were: Zen, Soldier, Mcree, and bastion.
Rein definitely needs some love.
This is part of why I don’t tank, or rarely do.
If I were to tank more, I’d love to play Rein or D.va, but I don’t find them fun and Blizz overlooks the whole class constantly.
None of the tanks are fun to me, so I don’t bother.
Next week, next year, next … and next … what about now ? What about being faster ?
I dunno why people think Brigitte makes Rein’s life better than any other support. They’re both melee and maybe, sometimes you’ll get up to 75 armour are the only synergies that I see. Any other support could heal him more, speedboost him more, increase his damage more etc. I’d much rather have Mercy+Lucio as Rein.
If anything, she continually knocks people out of his melee range.
Did you not hear the news?
Triple support is meta.
You will often have lucio+X+baguette supporting rein+zarya and some dps/tank.
I have seen the rise of triple support like crazy. And I can’t say I’m a big fan. I’ve also seen more rise of pirate ship too, not a fan of that either.
Meanwhile the Genji deflect change was supposed to come in May/June, and hit the PTR in April. It’s hard to not feel Rein is getting snubbed when his bug fixes are behind schedule whilst other changes are ahead of schedule.
Talk about the bugs with Rein and Hog, I have a ghost hook all the time and with Rein sometimes Hammerdown just bugs and does not hit the person I was looking at. Us main tanks need help.
I think the Ana buff is a net buff for tanks, however indirect, in that she will be seen a lot more. We’ll have to wait and hope for the best though. And I do agree with you.
This is fine.
I was just playing Rein wrong all this time.
You can see how my positioning sucks.
How I was at fault for not backing away faster when dva used her ult, i should’ve used my innate speed boost to avoid brigitte catching me… or just use my blink to teleport away, i could’ve definitely avoid that end… right?
(sorry for my frustration)
Jesus, that was tough to watch. I think the first clip is the exact personification of what is wrong.
Exactly, so many times my next swing would have killed someone and they get pushed out of range and right towards their healer.
quietly plays Hasselhoff
another PTR without Rein changes… le sigh
He is literally 2nd most played tank rn. Do you want to go back to the days of, “we need Rein”? Cause thats where we’re headed if people keep asking for buffs.
that is only because of Brigitte. As soon as she gets some major nerfs Rein will be dumpstered again.
Just give it some time. I’m sure the tanks will get some love eventually.
Rein has literally never been trash. Even before Brig he was still perfectly in the middle of all the tanks, way above Orisa and Zarya a.k.a. the actual trash.
The only reason he still gets playtime is having a mobile shield. By sacrificing his shield on the way in, Brigitte has hers at full health to attack. By having a shield he can take down and put up, he can help build Zarya’s charge quickly. It isn’t him that’s strong, it’s his combos