Nothing for Reinhardt, huh?

He’s a must pick currently.
Yeah, fix his ult. That’d be a nerf.

That will dissipate when players figure out just how hard he is countered by Brigitte. Every part of her kit is specifically designed to shut him down. If you don’t believe me, take it from Professional main tank player, “Super”:


Oh believe me i know.

I haven’t lost to any of the guys playing winston and the only 1/6 games i’ve lost was because a on our team didn’t want to play rein on king’s row.

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Its not so much that Reinhardt needs a buff as it is that tanks need a lot of attention, because there are so few of them. The standard team comp is 2-2-2, with 33% of character’s played being tank, yet only 6 of the 27 heroes are tanks. You just don’t have the options like you do at DPS so all the tanks have to be very viable and versatile.

And just for the fun factor, its kind of boring that as a tank main I’m playing the same characters as I did in season 1 aside from Orisa. And tanks almost never get reworks so the tank characters can get pretty stale. Rein, Orisa, Zarya, and Winston have almost zero changes since their release. Maybe just a bug fix or two, but even those are slow to get fixed.

It just baffles me that the devs think he’s balanced. WTF?

Please. I’m a Bronze Mercy main and even I know that Reinhardt is well, broken. And in a bad way.

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xQc did an AMA on Reddit recently where he said something quite similar.


Yep, hate to say it, but I actually agree with xQc here. I’ve played with him a few times, and I can assure you that this is a guy that knows what he is saying. (regardless of how you feel about him)

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It makes no sense how they don’t know Reinhardt is bad.
I’m sorry but I have to say it.


Sorry, had to get that out of my system.


didn’t you say that same bull yesterday?

Pulse bomb nerf? Why are tank mains not rejoicing at that? Thats a +1

Overall I don’t feel Reinhardt is in a terrible spot. He has a lot of bugs that ultimately hold him back. If these are addressed I feel he is probably the most balanced, and well build Tank in the game.

A lot of Rein’s weakness are inherent as part of his balance. If your team isn’t going to play Zarya or D.Va and back you up it can be just as devastating as when the Supports Ignore you.

Rein also requires a lot more shield management, then his 2 counterparts who drop theirs and forget it till it comes off CD. I know I have seen the suggestions and followed them when I play Rein to lower your shield from time to time and take some damage. To help your healer build their Ultimate’s, and regenerate some of your shield.

Their are very few things that you could do to Rein to buff him, without making him OP. I Liked the CD to help him regenerate his shield on the reload key, and I also suggested a passive on another thread that would increase either his shield regeneration or his move/attack speed as his health lowered.

Either would be good, however not both together as that would possibly be broken. Finally Ana has been out of the Meta I believe, although I could be wrong, a little longer then Rein. I am really trying to get better with her, as she is my favorite support by far. However, as she is it is often requested I switch, as its so easy to out perform her with Mercy or Moira.

As to the Brigitte nerfs, I feel they are justified in a sense. I was watching a video the other day with Harbleu playing Zarya with Rein and Brigitte. Spent a deal of the game at, or over 600 HP Zarya… That’s damn frightening.

Overall I would like the Dev team to take 6 months and forget about a new Hero and just focus on balance, and bugs. On a scale of 1 to 10 i figure 70-85% of the Heroes should range from 4 to 6 in rating, with a small percentage being able to be 7’s. There should never be a hero who is in the 1-3, or 8-10 category. JUST NEED more bug fixes, and balance passes.

because Tracer still finishes you in one clip after landing the pretty easy stick.

Don’t give up just yet friend. There is still a chance. He could be brought back soon.

With his current pick rate being so inflated due to Brigitte, I highly doubt it at this point. This is honestly the worst thing that could have happened.

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New PTR Patch notes… absolutely ZERO mention of Reinhardt changes or any of his long lasting bugs.


RIP the dream (2018)

Funny someone just told me on another thread that she’ll just feed healers. lel. I don’t know what to trust.

Mercy: Reinhardt, don’t you think it’s time you hung it up? You’re not getting any younger.
Reinhardt: Never! I will fight to my last breath.

Rein is just awful if the enemy team has any combinations of Doomfist, Bridgitte, Mei or Junkrat, especially the first two, in that case Rein is just thrown around and can barelly get a swing before getting stunned or knocked.

Hmm, since Blizzard confirm it gives her “new tech” I actually think they took an old idea of mine.
The idea was that one bullet is actually two, eg, she shoot one bullet but it’s “two-in-one”, one for healing and one for damage. The damage one are getting blocked my barriers and the healing one isn’t. The bullets also go through a targets, so if you heal someone infront of you, the “damage-part” will go through and could potentionally hit an enemy. This could also be the case for her nade.

Played comp yesterday…
Reinhardt became a support to Brigitte while she’s the anchor tank…
He’s there just to make her job easier…

Funny how tank and support swapped roles