Not swapping to a role not filled isnt throwing

Not at all.

You are claiming another player ruins your fun by playing the ‘wrong’ character

I am saying that the player in question has a right to their fun same as you do. Your rights to have fun dont extend to controlling what any other player does for their own fun

Similarly, if you are in the school cafeteria with me and you are only happy if you get to eat not only your own lunch but mine as well, you have extended yourself beyond your rights

You’re not getting that the hard counter is 1) your opinion and 2) irrelevant. If I want to play character x, and you want me to play any character other than x, I am fully within my rights to play character x.

and yet, there is no requirement that any player do so

optimal - yes

required- no

Okay, but do you really believe that if I picked last fully aware of that fact, that I care at all?

Not at all. What I am saying is that if you are playing Junkrat and they’re doing Pharmercy, Widow, and Hanzo, you aren’t helping your team to win. This has nothing to do with anything but you. You can choose to continue down this path, but suggesting that isn’t selfish is a falsehood.

No, getting hard countered is not an opinion. It’s a fact. You have zero kills and 20 deaths. Are you being effective? Empirically no. You can argue that you can do whatever you want, which is what I said in the beginning.

You can, but you’re not a good teammate if you do so. Maybe you don’t care. That’s your choice.

To clarify: I flex

All I am saying is that there is no requirement in the game to do so

Also the example of playing Junkrat when there is a Pharah? There are 5 other characters that the Junkrat is playing against. The existence of a Pharah does not mean he is having no effect on the 5 others

That’s right. I could get away with maintanking in plat (and have) but if I’m going to try that in masters I’ll get creamed.

Better to not have one than to have one who’s going to do terrible.

Last time I checked this is a team based game. In those kind of games cooperation is required. Refusing to do so is throwing.

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they should always place people like you on the same team and let you fight it out while us civil folks work together as a team

Eh, the LFG system should’ve solved this – instead they turned it into an elitist, intimidating list of games to play. All we needed was a simple role intent queue.

I am not fighting about anything. I just pick my character after waiting to see what everyone else picked to see how likely the team composition is to succeed. 9 times out of 10 it is pretty terrible. But whatever, 9 times out of ten somebody bends over for the team.

[quote=“CrashBanned-1952, post:1, topic:216464, full:true”]NOT SWAPPING TO A ROLE NOT FILLED ISNT THROWING

Did you just triple negative?


Theres a difference between soft throwing and hard throwing ykno. Like for the past year I would pick ana and accept that although I was trying my hardest I was soft throwing since i shouldve picked mercy. When I eagerly dont try, I am hard throwing.

ad hominem

bottom line: the rules say one thing, you say another. I’ll stick with the rules.

You keep falsely reporting folks, and it will catch up with you, eventually, probably with a lengthy ban

except, by the rules, it isnt

you decide how you play

other players decide how they play

it is optimal to cooperate, but not required

many folks are confusing what is optimal with what is required

"I bought the game! I’ll play it my way [ insert preferred profanity ] "

Seconds later ** DEFEAT **


Thats your opinion, I just stated mine and I stand by it. Cooperation not required in a team based game… You honestly made me laugh.

There is a difference between what is optimal in terms of getting a win and what the game rules allow

I too prefer to win, and ergo, I too prefer a team-based approach

However, that is not required by the rules of the game

Many folks are confusing what is optimal with what is allowed

Bottom line: The rules of the game are not an opinion

One can dislike the rules, but they remain the rules

The rules of the game LITERALLY SAY DON’T REPORT IF THEY’RE PLAYING A HERO YOU DON’T LIKE. IT DOES NOT SAY ANYWHERE THAT YOU CAN FEED AND THROW THE GAME AS ONE HERO. You literally hop between posts and spew your bullsh*t when I gave you ACTUAL sources to prove you wrong. Congratulations you’re the forums dumbest person. All due respect of course.

Mega is actually post hopping trying to get a reaction. Just report for trolling and move on, actually pathetic. I give you cited sources and you ignore it. You’re a bad troll, and extremely childish. Don’t bother replying to this I have you ignored so I can’t see your posts. They’re not worth my time anyway considering you’re a troll :stuck_out_tongue:

Use of caps does not make you any more correct

Everyone gets shot at unless they sit inactive in spawn

Therefore, I take the word feeding to include intent, ie intent to run to the enemy and let them kill you without attempting to kill them

The key here is intent.

Or, since you seem to prefer caps, I N T E N T.

A player who runs into a pack of enemies and attempts to engage them (whether successful or not) is not feeding.

So - how do you go about determining player intent?

Myself, I am no mind reader.

If you are, I have some brains I’d like you to pick, at 100 dollars apiece, starting with Warren Buffet

a player can throw the game with one hero or many heroes

choice of hero is irrelevant

throw also requires intent.

again, that 100 bucks awaits you

ad hominem

more ad hominem.

not at all

instead, I am defending the rules of the game when it comes to player rights from those who try to assert their own rules - like you

no trolling here

more ad hominem

more violations of the CoC of these forums

Oh good lord you are persistent. You aren’t even using the word Ad hominem properly. I gave you sources and gave you a chance to say something useful. You haven’t done that.

And GG blizz ignore feature doesnt get rid of their posts :smiley: