Not receiving OWL tokens 2019

I watched all 4 matches yesterday(which is actually friday morning here in Italy) and no tokens received at all. Previously I got some tokens(i’m around 30-ish tokens now) but now nothing. I watched everything on twitch, account is linked to battlenet. I hope is a matter of time because otherwise it really sucks. I’ll check later this evening, hopefully things change.

Same problem here, yesterday i watched all the games and not a single token… today is the same problem…

where did it say eligible to earn them?

It’s strange how I was able to receive tokens loast week but for this week, after weatching the entirety of yesterday’s match, I got no tokens at all throughout it. Still watching today’s match but no tokens yet.

I got the 3 tokens per drop for the first 2 hours today, and for the second 2 I only got 1 token per drop.

I was able to receive tokens during the first week of stage 1 of OWL but I am not receiving any tokens for week 2. Upon reading the OWL support guide, I found out that I didn’t meet the first of the four criteria for receiving tokens.

"You must meet the following requirements to earn League Tokens:

1. Your Blizzard account must be associated with a participating country."

Check your countries because this may be the case with some of you.

Turns out my blizzard account’s profile’s country isn’t in their list. So, yeah, no tokens for me for the rest of the season. It’s just frustrating that I couldn’t earn any more tokens now. Thought about changing my country in my profile but I have to send a ticket for that. So, nah. I’ll just cross my fingers and hope for the best.


Check their guidelines. Rule no. 1 hit me. Maybe it’s the same in your case?


Hey, Blizzard. Just wanted to say that I haven’t been receiving tokens for the past 2 days. Hope this gets fixed. And yes, I have linked everything that needs to be linked.

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+1 I didin’t got as well.
I got 30 tokens last week, and this week I did watched 2 days and got nothing.

Is it possible that some of the countries are now restricted?

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I came here to add one more name to the list, but as I read through the topic…

" 1. Your Blizzard account must be associated with a participating country."
Really? Basically they’re saying “you’ve born in the wrong country, we don’t care about you”.

And there’s nothing I can do about it.

Blizzard, why can’t you love your customers all around the world?


Blizzard customer support,

You still haven’t responded to us about this particular post and my comments above in particular. I’m waiting and have been patient the many past few days. Please respond and out of the inconvenience you should gift players around the world and in the US 300 tokens I would say - that’s still not even that many but I have doubts on your follow-through and sincerity.

Other players, please keep posting to this. It’s absolutely laughable how little anyone at Blizzard is showing attention/care to this or to bother lifting a finger to help those that didn’t get tokens.

Edit/update I did finally get some tokens (very few), BUT ONLY after being forced to sign up on Twitch, which is bothersome. When I was originally signed into the viewer/blizzard Overwatch official site last week, (and at that time was notified that “I was logged in to receive tokens”) I still didn’t get tokens(from last week). I was logged in/linked and notified in the watching browser/website that I should have been active to get tokens (but none came).

This also doesn’t change anything with my request that you should gift us 300 tokens out the inconvenience, and with the shenanigans of not being able to earn tokens solely through your site/browser. (without being forced to sign up on Twitch)

Please respond. Also - I’m coming from this not only out of the frustration of it not working properly for many people, but also out of the genuine spirit of why we play your games in the first place, and why many of us maybe cheer on our teams. We love playing these games and being a part of these worlds online. Why can’t a small token(no pun intended) of appreciation be shown for us, and if 300 league tokens were gifted to all of us then we can all then unlock 3 skins of either our favorite teams or characters that we love playing so much) I don’t get it Blizzard, why do you have to turn it into a penny pinching money making engine scheme to try and make us spend way too much real world money (at an inappropriately set price point) on something like a few skins for all of us.

A side note but still related to this, is if a player doesn’t have all that ridiculous amount of free time it would take to watch the matches 3-4 days in a row then the normal accruing rate is 100% not feasible or likely anyone would accrue a few skins without spending real world money. It’s so obnoxiously obvious and written on the walls regarding this scheme. (on an unrelated note my exact same sentiments also apply for the price of hearthstone packs for real world money - again laughable and probably a factor in why so many Hearthstone players don’t play any more - it’s pay to win essentially and the drop rates of legendaries/epics are abysmal especially for those buying packs with in-game currency not real cash.

Other players up vote this if you agree with me please or like etc.


MVP :clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap:

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same problem here tho. spent the last two days watching owl on twitch with my account linked and the last two days i didn’t get anything.

last week’s match landed me some tokens thought so i don’t know why i didn’t get any this week…

same thing is happening to me. wish blizzard would give a consistent solution instead of beating around the bush about bugs on twitch/blizzard account being linked…


Havent recieved any tokens for the past 3 days despite watching on twitch from start to finish on more than one device :slight_smile: (my acc is linked , my country is eligible, i have a pass and i was recieving tokens 1st week xd )


I’ll reply one more time just so support will hopefully notice it. I gained many tokens last week (around 50-60), I have twitch linked to my account, I am signed in app (idk if it’s required, just to be sure), my country is eligible (or at least should be since I’ve already got some tokens. But this week, I got nothing, even though I watched lots of games.

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Adding a reply here as well. Watched all matches last week and earned tokens. Watched all matches so far this week and earned from the first 2 days. Today, on Saturday the 23, I have earned 3 for the first hour, and it just stopped working. I should’ve earned another 6, and usually they give it to you as soon as you reach the hour timer.

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The same problem here. Today I only got 3 tokens for the first hour (with a 35 minutes delay…) And after that nothing at all. I should already have 9 tokens at this point.

wrong country cannot receive tokens? nice : /

Having the same issue a lot of people on this thread are, or at least very similar. Had an issue claiming 100 free won tokens that has not been resolved (post on that isuse is Canadian skill testing page not proceeding for OWL tokens ) and now today even though I have watched all day I have only received 3 tokens. I have verified that my battletag is linked to my Twitch account, I’m in Canada so I know I am eligible, adblock is disabled and I’ve even ran Twitch watching OWL on multiple devices throughout the day .