Not enough nerfs to Brigitte

This isn’t going to be enough. please Please PLEASE don’t make us go through another 133 days like we did for Mercy. Brigitte has even been on live servers for a while, obviously overpowered. I don’t know why we needed her to hit and ruin comp before nerfing her.


Yeah, don’t leave the game ruined. Deliberately nerf her below balance and then take time to build her up. That will fix the game immediately and you’ll have time to do it right.

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Can we please put Repair kit on 5 second CD as compensation? I think it makes more sense anyways as that is the duration of the overheal armor.

Oh and thank you for not over nerfing her, Although I wish you would have done armor decay on Rally instead of lowering the cap.

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No, dammit. She’s overpowered! Just nerf!

Junkrat wasn’t even overpowered and got nerfed and didn’t get anything for it.

No she isn’t. Stun and Rally are the only things she is good at currently.

Wow that show’s how biased you are. Junkrat is a counter to almost everything and you say he’s not OP?

If you want her to be less of a bruiser then you need to give her more healing if that’s the way it keeps trending.

I’m going statistically. His pickrate and winrate were completely normal.

I keep hearing that Bri’s winrates are too high too, it doesn’t mean that much at the start of a season with a bunch of idiots trying to force picks.

I’ve played 4 games of comp with her and won all 4, all 4 games there was an opposing flanker who I just crapped all over every time they tried to come in alone. You know, what she’s built for.

If those players tried to counter my pick at all by playing further back with a Pharah or Junk maybe it would have gone the other way, but they refuse, lose and then come to the forums about how OP she is and that a support shouldn’t be able to 1v1 a flanker.


Wow it is always the same in Overwatch. A Support isn’t bad and can do something, it has to be nerfed! DPS and Suicide Tanks are so used to just throw themselves in in their bloodlust, that they now scream “pls Nerf” again and what does Blizzard do? Giving in. It’s just awful. Yet no one will ever do something against Genjis OHK, never or his that that he will get his dash back for killing someone or that the hitbox of that dash is laughable big. No it’s always the supports who are nerfed, even if they are just joining the game.


Look, I play Pharah and Junk. They do not work that well against her. They are ok, but a well organized team will win regardless. Pharah and Junk just do not do enough damage to beat her insane damage mitigation via Rally and her shield.

And Brig is only a support in name. She’s a tank.

Well if you could easily kill her while she is using her ult, it wouldn’t be that good of an ult now would it?


You’re just wrong. Her shield doesn’t even block pharah rockets that hit the ground in front of her. Rat can zone her out so she can’t wander up into the front lines without fear.

They are both very good picks against her.

Edit- Didn’t even notice you mentioned her ult. Yeah man, if you use Bri ult there’s no way Pharah or Junkrat’s ult could counter that. Right?


People you can kill easily while using their ult:

Pharah (practically a meme)
Soldier 76
McCree (almost a meme as well)

Funny none of the ults you mention are meant to protect people. except Ana’s kind of.

Since you added Mercy, she isn’t “easily” killable while ulting, unless using another ult.

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He’s not making real points, just pushing a narrative.

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All of that relies on the enemy team having poor organization. A good deathball has enough shields that they can almost ignore Pharah completely (at least if she’s not up during a teamfight) and Junkrat will be largely negated. And both are extremely vulnerable to shielded hitscans like McCree.

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You aren’t making any sense. You tell me that what I’m saying relies on a good team having poor organization but you cook of a scenario where a deathball just synchronised swims into the game and it makes Bri OPAF and Pharah a limp noodle. If every single comp that Bri was in could be deathball, man that would be great for her, but they aren’t.(Edit, I mock the Deathball because at least 2/3rds of the time I ask people to make that comp work on Horizon or whatever we get 4/6 people on board then a Hanzo and Widow).

Also, how many games have you played with Junk against a deathball? You get tire in about 2 clips.


My memory of playing Junk into a deathball usually goes with me unloading a couple of clips into Rein’s shield, accomplishing nothing, and then getting headshot by their McCree.

You don’t fire into the shield, you either bounce it off the wall into the group or take high ground to fire over it.

A good place for Brigitte is pretty much a bad place for all other CQC heroes. I’m still not convinced she’s the right fit for the game, at all.