Not enough nerfs to Brigitte

It just doesn’t go well. Even when I’ve done well against the deathball myself it just ends with me losing with gold damage/elims.

Nice, i’ll be able to bait a shield bash without another coming right to my face.

It does. I’ve done it, I’ve seen it done. If you think Junk is bad against it then you just don’t know how the character works.

I just hope you stop complaining to nerf characters further when you don’t even have a good grasp on the ones you play.

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If you can’t kill her in the give seconds (FIVE) or at least do something, you are doing something wrong. Of course this game doesn’t encourage people to get better but instead asking for nerfs, so you just don’t have to try at all anymore…

What? Mercys Ultimate is not meant to protect others?

7s seems like the best option to me. Hog’s hook is on 8s CD and it has much longer range, stun duration, and also displacement. Shield Bash is weaker than hook, so I’d think it should be shorter than 8s.

Though, we’ll have to see how 6s goes first. I like how the devs aren’t doing crazy nerf hammers.

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Please don’t listen to the whines … they are loud but they don’t represent every player… Brigitte is okay as she is… yeah she is in every match BECAUSE SHE IS NEW … but please, don’t Doomfist her… it’s Not neccesary


She’s fine. This is the same overreaction the community had with Doomfist. Just play Brigitte a little and you’ll see how limited she really is. Can she dominate? Yes but only with a team working with her. On her own in a disorganized comp she’s weak.

People act like she’s a killing machine but her stats say the opposite. Is she annoying? absolutely she is but so are heroes like Tracer and Junkrat. The fact is she hurts dive and gives viability to slower death ball comps. This is what so many player have been asking for…


Hog doesn’t need to be as close to the fight as Brigitte though. He’s also is near impossible to kill with take a breather. Brigitte is very vulnerable to focus fire and angles. The 5s stun enables her brawler style. Maybe 6s wont be too bad but honestly she feels fine right now.

People just need to learn how to play against her. Larger portions of the community take a long time to adapt to new heroes and balance changes. If Brigitte gets “balanced” out of the game it will be because of a community witch hunt…


That’s exactly why I think 6s is a good testing ground.

As long as it’s just a test. I hate the idea of making huge balance changes after a heroes first few days in competitive. The shield bash change went live and feels pretty good.

Every experience I’ve had against her that was frustrating was more due to my team playing poorly than Brigitte being OP.

This community gets too vocal about the littlest things. Brigitte is good for the game but this community reacts poorly to change…


So… Like the Tracer nerf then ?


The dev should stop nerfing heroes just cause people are crying while there are Genji mains who claim without a shame that they rather throw games than switching.
Its not Brigitte who need nerfs, its the community who need a brain buff.


See that’s not how it works, nerf the supports CD by 20% and armor cap by 33% is fine, in fact double it and they’re happy, but if we nerf the DPS ult by 25% that’s absolute blasphemy.


Hmmm Ye true that. I forgot.

And what so many others absolutely do not want. It’s worth remembering that.

I don’t play dive. Never have. But I do like to play toe to toe CQC. Brigitte doesn’t allow that style.

She surely will.

In fact, Most people just don’t like new heroes being played.

I am curious why there were hyped for new heroes, because after every new hero being released, the whole community just try them several minutes, call them op or trash, then keep playing on their most favorite hero while reporting those who use the new hero.


She does, you can play her or Doomfist or Genji or Tracer, you just need to be more careful now that’s all. It’s unfortunate that the reaction to carefulness is always NERF THIS!


These are not toe to toe fighters… These are bouncing all over the show like they ran out of xanax style… think reaper style.

Isn’t Reaper pretty much shredding Brigittes shield though? I mean there is always a risk for Reaper fighting toe to toe, Brigitte isn’t the first hero that makes the fight harder McCree has his stun, Mei her freezing and there are countless shields already too.

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