None of my mythics are there?

Typical Blizzard…

Fix one thing, break ten things… I wonder how long it will take them to fix this issue.

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my mystic skin gone. :smiling_face_with_tear:

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they made an announcement earlier that there is a new bug that sometimes causes you to dc if you have a mythic equipped so they temporarily disabled them until they fix it.

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are we gonna get our mystic skins back and the progress too?

All my mythics are gone and the mythic store is gone as well

Best news ever xD…

Did the insanely overpriced Mythic prisms shop also disappear by any chance… ?

me too its so sad really

Same for me, all my mythic skins disappeared (junk moira kiriko)

Ive noticed my Sigma mythic is gone too

It’s a bug hopefully they’re fixing it rn as we speak

All of ours are gone​:sob::sob:

They’re back now! So happy I can play with my mythics again <3