No, you do NOT need shields

True most cases you can get away using natural cover. Players should know how to use it especially with 5v5 coming down the road for OW2

It gets to a point that it doesn’t solve the problem this game has with METAs.

Barriers in the game, barriers are a meta element, and they are used to deny a main angle or sometimes off angles too.

Barriers out of the game, means all angles are open and you get to play it like Death-matchy style.

Just a small group of characters are viable anyways.

It’s just a change in playstyles.

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I mean, yeah? You don’t “need” shields, but it’s better to have them.

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The question is will be: How will cover be designed when the core game play is meant to be fast paced and not slow

@EFR: In high ranks yes and that’s why pros are already concerned

I have no clue how they want to balance snipers, but tbh I don’t trust Blizzard

1:40: you use shatter while antied, get aggressive, and die for it. Yeah you killed their Rein, but he’s gonna be back long before you are.

3:00: you solo shatter a Zarya outside hammer range with half your team dead and charge still on cooldown. Even if you got the kill it would’ve been a worse trade than the last one because your other tank wasn’t even there to contest.

I’m not sitting through the rest of it but your first two deaths are clear misplays on your part and both of them cost you shatter.


The difference is that barriers help to make it less death-matchy, forcing more rotations or seeking more off angles, without barriers it will be much more direct.

And we all know that open spaces are a weakness for most of the tanks, even for Winston and D.Va (which have mobility CDs).

Honestly I hope I never reach my peak.

As for shield tanks, hell they are paper now, so not much coverage. I already use cover and peek when needed. Of course when playing a tank you have a significantly bigger hitbox as well, so harder to play hide and peek with that.

I think the main takeaway here is that with the role of the tanks having less presence, you will see primarily two strats:

Slower gameplay with more caution since you will have only one tank.

Or highly mobile rush metas that focus on movement and damage output. (don’t we have these already?)

The game will evolve how its meant to as players figure out how to deal with the changes. Simple as that.

That is something I pointed out in another thread.
It’s not very unlikely that 5v5 will turn out for the average player far more deathmatch like

Too much cover could be a huge problem too, it also boosts flankers

More than flanking, Rush-Brawling characters.

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yes you don’t need shields if you don’t want to win


you are the type of rein I’d be happy to have always on my team

One thing I love the most are aggressive tanks

not just a little aggressive either… SUPER AGGRO


Yes, yes don’t even read or try to understand what is conveyed here.

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you don’t need a shield to win, there have been multiple meta in GM in the past that relied on no shield lol

Well good luck in OW2 then. Also keep aggroing your own team mates because they chose not to play whatever you demand, instead of actually trying to make the most out of a given situation, which might include going out of your comfort zone and getting creative… i.e. actually getting gud.


If blaming the boogie man was a competitive aspect of Overwatch, you be rank 1for all 3 roles….

Have fun :slight_smile:


Imagine playing Rien on junkertown.

Whoa there…I never ever asked someone to swap, I never demanded something. Few times I politely asked if we can get a main tank, that is all, so keep your accusation down, thank you.

Can´t get any better when I am healing my guts out and my team is melted down anyway…


This game has shields?!!?

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So why even keep tanks around then? If we’re just going to be hiding and peeking over cars and boxes all game, why even have a fatter dps to run ahead of everyone else?

It would be nice to have the option of playing around shields if you want to instead of being forced to play for cover all the time. Shields were a bit excessive in OW1 but making them non-existent in OW2 is going way too far in my opinion.

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My hope is ow2 will have maps with shorter sight lines and easier routes to reach snipers. Cause spending the majority of the game hiding behind walls waiting for widow to die is not fun.


Hey man we could also remove heal by this logic.
Because if you don’t get hit you never need heal and there all over the place health packs.