No, you do NOT need shields

and you better get used to the idea that there will be even less shield going on in OW2. Start learning basic concepts like how to use cover, when to retreat, when not to peek. That is true for all ranks, especially the lower ones. Play against the hero, not the player. Don’t just barge in there because usually the silver Widow wont hit anyways … instead, expect to get killed as soon as you walk into Widow LOS and play accordingly. Just one example.

Game sense, awareness. Know where the enemy is, know your positioning, know the states (ults, cooldowns). You don’t need shields for that. In fact, relying on shields 100% will keep you down. You wont improve your basic skillset when there is always a shield tank babysitting you.

(Same thing can be said for voice chat when it comes to sound cues …)


I’m the type of Rein who does not rely on my shield. I love playing super aggressively.


Yes, I have played literally any other FPS game before. I initially came to Overwatch specifically because it wasn’t like the other FPS games. But this game is becoming more and more generic and DPS based.


Can’t wait for more cover on every map that would benefit hitscan over any other hero.


I thought you were masters hulk :thinking:


As you can see from my gameplay I should be in master but thanks to the rigging (which has been extensively documented) and extremely poor ladder mobility I am stuck in platinum.


Ah yes it’s the games fault


So explain how with my Godlike gameplay I cannot go above 2.9?


Because it’s the games fault :wink:


Well, seeing as you’ve only provided one game, you could’ve easily selected a game where you did particularly well. That would explain it.

But I am on fire almost 100% of the time in almost all of my games so clearly I belong much higher. You can look through the YouTube where I have posted plenty of videos and not really even being selective. Here is a loss:

Look at how much better I am than the opposing tanks in almost every single game.

If I have over 20k healing and we are still getting killed within seconds, than yes, we need that shield. Either they have bastion or turet or we have bad dps, or both - shields are there for a reason…


The whole game was designed around shields and moving as a team.
All the main mode maps are flat and with no cover.

OW2 is going to be one huge disaster.


So unoriginal. I feel like this post was just copy pasted from the hundreds of other “you don’t need a shield” post. And while anything will work “if you’re good enough” or in 1/3 of your games against a crap team of primary pass players that the matchmaker threw together, the truth is that most of us aren’t “good enough” and in 2/3 of our games if the enemy is running Rein/Zarya or Sigma/Orisa (at least the “old” ones) you better mirror match or you’re going to lose.


Some characters just don’t have mobility enough as agency to overcome hitscans.

Just look at Symmetra.

She can’t be that aggressive if she doesn’t have a team that helps her against hitscans.

That is called team reliance, which shields can help enable the character (not only them of course).


I don’t care anymore what you play.
Everyone should play what they want and just do their best.


I love when scrubs want to educate GM players

Reminds me how much Junkertown first point and Havana first and third point will need full redesigns. Without Two Shield Tanks these points are a disaster to get threw especially with Snipers


This is just the extreme cases
We had already massive issues in high ranks with double sniper during solo tank exp


My favourite is when they demand a shield, but the enemy are running double flankers lol.

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