No warning for -75% XP

umm I’m someone that leaves QP a lot, you don’t receive that warning in QP you receive that in comp, although you do receive a warning with a yellow font not really that much noticeable as this one. and OP clearly said QP not comp.

No, stop forcing me to play games with people I don’t want to play with. It’s not my job to adapt because it’s poorly designed. HotS has an unranked mode, add it to OW and I won’t leave games.


Lol then don’t play this game. If you want to play a game with your friends, then online gaming isn’t for you bud.

I’ve only ever played Quickplay (though I did do 5 placement matches before getting bored out of my skull), and I have received that warning, so I can confirm that it isn’t some dream on behalf of the OP.

Most people won’t see it because they don’t leave that many games…

what difference would that make for you? people would have even less incentive to try and win.

Incorrect again. Incentivise people to try to win instead of screwing around. I won’t stop playing a game because of some people, I’ll just leave the current game.

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And you will be punished for leaving the game, so if that’s how you feel, and you know the consequences, then stop coming out here to complain.

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again don’t spread false information you do not receive the warning the person just posted a screen shot of, if you read the warning carefully you’ll figure it out You do not get banned from competitive games for leaving QP when you press the leave button a yellow text along with the yes or no button will appear informing you that you might receive the 75% less xp, I’m trying to look for a screenshot on google but sadly I can’t find any, if you’re still not convinced I’ll personally leave qp games and screenshot it for you.

I’m complaining that I didn’t get any warning and if you don’t like what I have to say just don’t bother replying. Forums are for everyone not just for people who agree with you.

Such a brave man… :astonished:

No, you won’t be banned for leaving QP, but you definitely get the 75% XP penalty and have to work it off.

Trust me, I know. It bummed the hell out of me when it happened.

Anything to prove a point :3

yes i never said you don’t I simply said that that screenshot is not related to what OP is talking about, and why did it bum you? I actually love 75% less XP gained, at least I wont get that silver border faster.

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It sounds like you want other people to try and win without expecting you to do the same. If you want to win and play seriously then go into competitive. Quickplay is not a serious mode whether we like it or not.

The little yellow text warning is there when you are close to getting a penalty, but this warning shows up regardless. It might be shown in the chat box rather than being a stand-alone pop up, but that’s besides the point.

Regardless of the technicalities, the OP knows they can be punished for leaving games. There are warnings in place. They got punished for leaving games and are playing the victim card.

I have no sympathy for them.


They shouldn’t HAVE to warn you. You should know the rules before going in. I have never had a penalty for leaving games because I don’t leave them, but I know there is a penalty.

But you are doing more than complaining about not having notice. You have been trying to justify yourself leaving games, which I disagree with.

QP IS unranked mode…

agreed. but backfilling into a losing game and then leaving shouldnt count towards your leave penalty.

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It doesn’t show regardless nope, and the warning shown in the chat box is after you get the punishment not before… so the yellow text is the only indication, i’m not arguing about the technicalities of it nor do I care if op is punished or not he knew what he was doing and should have expected it, I’m just saying the screenshot in unrelated and misleading.

I do try to win. I already play a lot of competitive and during an event I also play a lot of QP to farm lootboxes because I like to collect items.
I’m aware QP is not a serious mode for most people but for others it’s a great place to practice for ranked. I have seen decents comps in QP too, just tired of the 5 dps.

If one person leaves and then someone or even the same person backfills their spot and then leaves and the cycle continues that isn’t really backfilling but is hamstringing a team into a 5v6 match, if people aren’t penalized for doing this with constant leaving how is it fair to those who stayed?

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