No warning for -75% XP

Is that the only standard you hold for QP ? Either way,it shouldn’t be a thing

I should be able to use the bathroom at a leisurely pace without getting kicked

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Why do you even care about the leavers penalty? I just leave whenever i want. You only unlock sexy mercy skins, nothing more. It doesnt even add to the gameplay.

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Why should I have to be forced into your spot because you decided your game wasn’t good enough for you?

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agreed. that crap needs to be fixed. if you leave a backfill game, there shouldnt be any leave penalty acquired for that.


As long as you’re not close to a penalty, you should be able to leave it, too. :roll_eyes:

To Get -75% you left A LOT of games, not just 1.
Most of the forums are aware of that, you can’t play the victim card here.


Don’t you see the problem with that? I am reminded of WoW battlegrounds back in the day. There was no penalty for leaving a battle in progress, so as soon as things started going bad you would see this endless cascade of players joining and leaving. As soon as a player left, the game would be ruined as that side would never manage to have a full organized team again. Just a revolving door of people walking in and out.


I stop leaving when I get the warning, I didn’t get one in five days, I thought I was golden. Your argument doesn’t work.

Except for the fact you just admitted you are a person who regularly leaves games. It is quite likely the system figured out you are a habitual leaver and has warned you quite enough already.


Believe me, I hate leaving matches, and I do understand very well what the problem with it is.

When you just stand around dying because the four or more DPS on your team hates the idea of getting involved, though, there’s not really any reason to stick around. It’s like being stuck in a timeout for wanting to play the game.

Worse yet, you’re punished for not enduring your arbitrary timeout instead of playing the game with other people who want to get involved with the match.

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Yes, five days ago. So? A lot can happen in five days.

I just eat the penalty. XP penalty is meaningless anyway. If anything it helps me stay low level longer so people get more tilted by seeing it. Amazing psychological warfare tactic to tilt opposing teams before matches even start when they see lvl 25-30 in comp.

I enjoy backfilling because win or lose you won’t suffer any real hardships over than mental hardships.

Did I…just become a minority? :thinking:

OK… Except you =]

Unless you’re declaring his race to be English then you might consider lower casing that.


yeah im from Germany my English isnt the best but i try my best ^^

*Her im a Girl :slight_smile:

You should left a lot for warning, yesterday I leave because my mates were real noobie and don’t get it.

Ya, in America the default gender is male until gender is a known.

Both sides of my family are pure-blooded Germans but just like anyone with white skin in America we are just called Caucasian.

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As I said before I don’t mind back filling at all what I do is mind is when everyone leaves at the end of game forcing me to search for new one.

No it is your fault because you KNOW that there isn’t an option to disable and you are now punishing other people because you can’t handle a team that want to play all DPS. It happens, its life. Learn to enjoy it and move on to the next game.

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