No to the Junk changes

These changes are specifically aimed at console overwatch lol

They’re actually net nerfs :joy:

I cant say what I think about this without getting banned.

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It’s 100% true. I read the changes and definitely chuckled a bit.

Most of you don’t realize how weird junk is on console. People can’t aim like ever so his spam has been ridiculous for a long long time. I think this change actually puts some skill and aim into his kit

Then they can give Junk a separate balance patch for console instead of wrecking the hero for pc players.


I mean ya. But why would blizzard actually start separate patches now? We’ve always been second class citizens lol

Y’all don’t care about console until our degenerate gameplay tendencies start ruining all your hero’s :joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy:

Blizzard have done console specific balance changes before.


I forgot about those. 1 set in 5 years lol

Second class :joy::joy::joy:

Ok. Then Blizzard should pay more attention to console instead of punishing each platform.

You’re asking wayyyyyy too much. I accepted our fate long ago. Welcome to the suck my friend.

We have a hats!

Dont care. I’m going to carry on.


A lot of Junk players say this but I cant say that I’ve ever noticed it. When I go what? at a nade missing I can see that it did actually miss once I watch the replay.

Hmm, jury’s still out on this change. But after more playing this doesn’t feel like a good change and more of a band-aid attempt to encourage less spam and more aiming/rewarding shots.

If they wanted less spamming shots and reward, they need to change how Junkrat’s gun performs and works.

Lets reward aiming by punishing hitting air and mid range shots while rewarding brainlessly shoving your gun into a nearby tank. Genius move by Blizzard.

As someone who is not only a console player, but also plays Junkrat as my second most-played DPS, your comment about the aiming specifically for console is nonsense.

Bad players are bad players regardless wherever they play.


Blizzard used to have separate balance changes for console.

It wasn’t skilled, that was lucky, deny it all you want.

Hitting airshots is fairly consistent for Junk mains.


Well, if you vault yourself into the air at a target and lob the frag into their face, that’s a better reward than current (and a more skillful use of abilities), but… it is less rewarding for random aerial impact shot; well aimed or not. Again, gun seems to need a better design or re-work if they want this to happen. Feels like a band-aid.

Yes, but it nerfs the more frequent mine boop into air shot and requires more risk. Hitting booped targets is also more difficult.

Right. And the risk really doesn’t seem worth it right now for the modicum increase in damage. Concussion Mine still feels a lot less risky for similar return, either way too.