No to proposition 55 (hps)

I think that it (55hp/sec) is a step in the right direction, even if none of the other issues are fixed

and a step in the right direction is (or should be) welcomed

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I have in the past, and so have many other people. There have been reams of discussion about this. I gave one in this particular thread, and have also not mentioned multi res (which I am opposed to) or res removal here.

If you’re interested I can share some with you, though I think that derails the particular discussion at hand which centers on the inadvisability of one particular measure I’ve seen mentioned.

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Because it’s very unorganized. That proves my point though.

Well, without the chain beams, then the enemy wouldn’t need to use an ult if Valkyrie is just a slightly stronger, single target Moira heal.

A mediocre state also shows us what works and what doesn’t. It also makes some people happy that they can at least play their favorite hero.

From where I stand this sort of change might do more harm than good. I think the healing needs to be at 60, at inching it towards that only delays the fix. It risks putting her in a mediocre spot that they can safely ignore.

I think we’re at a rare juncture where actual and good change can be made to Mercy if we are just patient.

You’re the only person to bring up Rez here.

I disagree with this. I think it only makes the issue muddier and harder to see.

Gotcha, sorry for being critical :slight_smile:

That said, here’s my solutions:


  • 50 hps
  • 80hps heal boost for 2 seconds on 10 second cooldown
  • Single rez with a lot less slow/cast time on Q during Valk

I understand you point - and I would of course counter argue to take whatever improvement you can get

Example: I’d really, really like for Moira to have a 1 second faster cooldown on fade, but instead they gave her a slightly faster regen rate on healing resource. I will take that improvement, gladly, no complaints, because it does indeed help; even if it isnt in the help/buff I’d prefer

The larger the change being asked for, in general, the less likely it is to be implemented.

So take improvement in increments, in inches rather than in miles

How, it can help us see if her healing really was the problem or not. It could show us what to do from there. It also lets people at least play her again.

Even if it means waiting longer till an actual fix, or even that an actual fix might not happen at all?

What if that change makes up for it? That’s what they did with Ana after all.

Yeah, I’d rather heal at 55HP/sec - a 10% increase in effectiveness - right now than wait for 60 to come back, or for any other change, while playing at 50/sec

No, it’s not a good indicator because modes like total mayhem, deathmatch and mystery heroes exist. They do not reflect the game.

Moira heals more than Valkyrie if the entire team is grouped up.

Valkyrie doesn’t draw out enemy ultimates because it doesn’t provide anything that needs to be countered. You could simply not Valk and your team would still die.

The only way to see if the healing was the problem is to set it to 60 and check. Raising the healing to 55 will make her more viable, but if she’s still somewhat worse than the other healers it will be unclear whether it’s the 5 missing hps or the buffs the others got.

If she’s still UP but not by as much it also risks encouraging the devs to leave her in that state. Right now the low healing can lead to interesting and fundamental changes. A buff to 55 hps risks losing that.

I just dont agree with that guess.

I dont mean that as an insult, I mean we just cant know if one beneficial change will prevent (or slow) another

and this change is easy peasy.

one line of code showing 50 is now set to 55

I often enjoy your suggestions for Mercy changes. I think there’s some real thought put into them, and they’re fun to look at even if I disagree with them. I really do think she needs 60 hps though (whether through her beam or through her beam and supplemental abilities). Adjustments can be made elsewhere, but that’s a given for me.

Chain beams have an AOE of 10 meters in every direction.

I think you you’re misunderstanding me. I’m say that her main beam heals for 100-75hps while her chain beams heal for 50-30hps, not that Valkyrie should stay how it is now.

Out of curiosity - would you also be okay with a change to 51 hps? It’s a change in the right direction just as 55 is.

To me it would be problematic. It would be followed by a long period of evaluation in which her stats would be slightly better. And it might be followed by a change to 52, and then 53, etc. In each stage the situation driving the change would become murkier and murkier, the impetus for change less and less, and the openness to fundamental changes lower and lower.

I get what you’re saying , but to me, we individual players have no insight into what is going on in the minds of those who determine what needs tobe changed in the name of balance - and as such, every little improvement helps and is welcomed

So yes, while I will not dance joyously in the streets for an increase from 50 to 51, I will be happy to have it versus no change at all

I think asking for 55 is both simple and reasonable ;and would improve the situation greatly