No to proposition 55 (hps)

Mercy is a TF2 Medic ripoff. Just give her Ana’s Medic ripoff Nanoboost ult, but renamed and steal ubercharge functionality. Or something, ANYTHING. Becoming a floaty amped healing Lucio/Orisa drum for 10 seconds is probably the most boring ult to exist in this game, and despite the mobility increase she retains the stone form rez which is nothing but a detractor from fun.

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All right, fair enough. It’s certainly possible for reasonable people to disagree on this (I happen to know you’re reasonable by your excellent choice of player icon).

I think you’re overestimating the depths of the devs insight into character balance. They’ve shown time and again that it’s very difficult for them to assess Mercy’s power level viz a viz the other healers, or the impacts of any specific change.

If one takes that as assumed, then one should have zero confidence that Mercy will ever have what one thinks she should have (whatever that might be)

That being the case, any improvement (like 50-> 55) no matter how small should be embraced by those with that mindset

I don’t think the devs are bad or incompetent or anything like that. I think they’re great and I enjoy the game. But I don’t think they’ve solved the Mercy riddle yet, and I believe that they respond best to large imbalances. In this case, the reasonable thing to do is to wait until they figure it out.

Fair eno

I want any buff as soon as possible, you want to wait in the hopes that the longer wait will lead to a larger buff

Both approaches have their merits and supporters

Woah bad premise.
No. She is not in a bad state. People got used to Mercy being a top healer and she is just … simply not top anymore.

I wouldnt hold my breath for buffs at all. Pray for QoL changes but, still i dont think they will come.

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Nope sorry, well maybe if you nerf her rezz.

That wouldn’t be a problem. That’s where they should have gone to begin with. It was the most obvious approach, and the best approach.

Well, she’s certainly not top anymore. Look at the past month’s statistics on Overbuff. She’s the lowest or second to lowest win rate character in diamon-gm. She’s the lowest win rate healer platinum-gm and is virtually tied for lowest in gold.

In diamond - gm her win rate is FAR from the average win rate. In gm you need to maintain about 54% to remain in place. Mercy is 4% below that. She’s about 3% too low in diamond and masters. If you play Mercy in higher ranks then you will lose SR and you will lose your rank. She’s a throw pick there. Her pick rates reflect this. This week for instance her pick rate in gm is 0.89%.

None of her competitors are in an even remotely comparable spot. This is not the picture of a hero who simply no longer in the top spot. This is the picture of a hero who is in a really bad spot, and who won’t leave it without external changes. The statistics and the player corroboration for this are hard to ignore. Streamers, and pros, and content creators are starting to talk about it as well.

To compound the issue, Mercy’s non viability has pushed her main competitor (Ana) way over the top. Ana’s GM pick rates this week were 15.22%. Blizzard doesn’t ignore those sorts of pick rates. If history is any guide here, changes to Mercy will come eventually. She absolutely will get buffed.

Both of these suggestions are absolute trash.
First of all, everyone needs to understand that 60 HP/s is actually a normal heal rate for this particular given state of the game we are in now. Anything less than that is underpowered.
Rez with cast time in general is trash. It should always be instant or, at the very most, have a really small cast time, let’s say like Earthshatter.
The spear idea of yours is trash and underpowered. What are you going to do while the staff is in the spear mode? Stand around and look pretty? Pull the trash pistol and do chip damage? Let’s say you want to reclaim it, you gonna risk flying to the spear and maybe get picked? That’s like risking rezing someone midfight. Works up until gold, at higher ranks you get decimated because people are somewhat capable of playing this game and you end up either rezing just before or right after the fight.


I have set up a custom game with bots where Mercy does 55hp/s and it does feel a lot better than 50 hp/s and I think it would work at least decently.

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Moira can heal 80 HP/S every second during the game and this isn’t locked behind an ultimate.

That still wouldn’t even compete with Moira’s regular healing or her ultimate.

Moira has a resource and requires her team to be in a cone shaped area in front of her.

Didn’t you suggest a single 100hps beam? How is that stronger?

The resource is easily managed by anyone with game sense. The aiming requirement is probably equal to the amount of “aiming” you have to do with Mercy’s beam.

Yes, it would be stronger, as a bandaide fix. Valkyrie is the epitome of terrible design, because it incentivizes being detached from a fight

On overbuff, mercy out heals ana in just about every rank with moira being top healer. If you look at the main healers, you can measure their utility vs ability to heal. Moira is pretty much pure healing with a splash of damage. Mercy has healing, but can also switch to damage boost an ally by 30 percent when there’s downtime on ult, if her team is grouped, can heal everyone by 50 heals per second or can give 30 percent damage increase, depending on situation… Ana can boost the effectiveness of all heals om her allies, stop enemies from healing, sleep dart, and the ability to supercharge an ally. What makes the top healer amongst gm the top healer, isnt the heals per second. It’s the amount of utility.

actually - no, it is much easier to get Mercy’s healing beam onto a player (and keep it there) than get Moiras spray onto a player

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Then reduce or remove the beam range increase.

Mercy was objectively overpowered last patch.

And you want 60hps and a stronger rez?

Nah, she was OP coz the majority of the playerbase are a bunch of scrubcakes.
60 heals is normal to counter to extreme amounts of damage the game has and the rez should be back as an ult with instant cast or extremely small small cast time.
I can do without the rez also but if they remove it, they need to buff heals way more than 60.

EDIT: Anyway, stick to the point. Your suggestions are trash and you don’t know what’s going on in the game in general.

Is that why GM has nearly 100% pickrate for Mercy?

GMs make every situation seem OP, stick with the vast majority of the playerbase, i.e. plat/diamond and below.
I mean, steveo makes Symmetra look viable. Have you ever won a match with a Symmetra on your team? I haven’t.