No Point playing OW until Moira's damage is addressed

This might surprise you, but almost every support gets value just by existing. Its intentional, overwatch was intentionally designed that way(idk why). Mercy is arguably significantly stronger than moira in low ranks.

I mean honestly, I think they’re both just as big of a problem.

Mercy is a powerhouse in low ranks but so is Moira, I’m not sure who’s a worse offendor I’d have to think about it but Moira is definitley more frustrating to play against which does matter, people don’t want to play a game that isn’t fun.

The big issue for Moira(and something im honestly not sure the devs know how to get around) is how her kit actually works.

Her beam needs to be easy to hit because she relies on it to gain back her healing resource; if they change her hitbox on beam or lower its range, it means she has far less healing available, and keep in mind outside of very low ranks the hero is performing pretty poorly already.

The obvious solution is to just change it, but the issue with that is that making her resource charge a different way takes away her whole “damage to heal” concept, which kind of destroys the characters gimmick(or, “hero fantasy” as i believe they call it). In all honesty though, i don’t think it would be that bad for them to just not buff her like you said.

Nobody really wants moira meta at high rank anyway, and she’s in a fairly decent spot in low rank, so i think just leaving her alone is the best option. But who knows what they’ll do.

There’s two ways you can tackle Moira imo.

Either you make her damage less reliable or you make her less elusive, or radical third option, you rework her to raise her skill floor.

Either one there’s plenty of things you can do with her but they don’t which is super frustrating.

cuz she objectively does not need a nerf right now. any nerf you might do, you’d have to compensate with a meaningful buff, bc she’s not that good.

i get that low elo means characters like moira thrive, but she genuinely is not that hard to kill like at all. besides maybe junkerqueen who isn’t landing their wounds, there is no tank in this game she can win a fight with in a 1v1 situation. she gets destroyed by bastion and reaper, who both are also good at low elo. that lifesteal really won’t save you if the enemy dps is landing their shots.

they won’t stop they will continue buffing moira pushing ‘’ SUPPORT SHOULD BE DPS TOO ‘’ meta

that is the whole Support rework they promised a more aggresive DPS moira

want to have fun while playing support ? play moira - aaron killer

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It’s not ok to allow a character to destroy low elo just because you don’t want her to be trash in high elo, again it’s Master Yi in League which is why he’s never buffed and everyone just accepts that he does terribly at the highest ranks.

Riot understands this, Blizzard doesn’t, which game has been around longer? which game is more succesful? which game has better balancing?

Say what you will about League or Riot it’s one of the best balanced “esport” games consistently for years, Blizzard hasn’t even coming close to this mark.

There’s two solutions to this.

A. You do what they’ve done with Master Yi in league, nerf Moira so she’s not dominating low elo but accept that she’ll be terrible in super high elo.


B. You rework her so you raise her skill cieling so she’s not so easy to play therefore not destroying low elo as much and giving her a chance at high elo.

Pick your poison because you can’t have your cake and eat it too, because you if you do, you get people not wanting to play a terribly balanced game.

So the usual whining about dying a slow death. Always amusing how people hate that but are fine with across-the-map insta-gibs. Imagine the whining a full-on DoT dps would cause that kills over 10 seconds but can wipe the whole team if nobody heals it.

You’re right bro, it’s all just whining, great observation! you’re so smart!

Or C - no nicer way to put it - step your game up. Moira’s damage is very low, practically everyone outdamages her. I really cannot imagine her damage going any lower than it already is, what would be the point of her then, to just tickle the enemy? To just be throwing out heals only with the occasional bits of damage to help in a fight? You must not have noticed how little people play Support as is, and you’re calling for another one to be worse.

If you’re getting attacked by a Moira, that means the other team has one less healer. If you need help, call her out. Eventually she will need to stop as her team dies or gets annoyed with her. Regardless, she’s not that big of an issue.


20 of these characters: :joy:

Been saying for 5 years now that she has a functionality issue….

She is too easy to play thanks to her kit….I’ve always described her as a hands off character because just about every single part of her kit just “does”…it’s all “free” basically - max value is almost guaranteed with all her abilities because they have extremely lax aim requirements and/or are unavoidable (requiring very little actual thought)….as opposed to just about every other character that only ever has the potential to do X (most of their kits anyway)

Note - all the above is extremely obvious when you play all the heroes…the drop off in effort and focus required is palpable when playing her relative to the rest

and it holds her back because devs can’t make it more powerful without busting the character in low elos

Her issues have always boiled down to how her kit works and not because the character is OP/UP….she doesn’t have a single ability that’s “strong” (ok maybe fade)…but collectively it doesn’t matter because you end up doing more than enough anyway because of how you go about doing so

If they ever want to actually address moiras balance you have to start with functionality…something which they’ve TRIED to do several times now but is always met with cries of “stop breaking the character” from groups of people who A) don’t want to have a level playing field (not hard to see why) and B) aren’t actually interested in balancing the game

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C isn’t an argument I’m not sure how many times I have to say it “get good” isn’t an argument, it’s not ok and it’s toxic character design.

It’s not OK that it’s only a low elo problem as well. Riot has solved this issue but Blizzard is incapable of doing so which is one of the biggest reasons Riot has better balancing than Blizzard.

I agree somehow.

Some characters in OW are specifically designed to be played at low elo, but it looks like they RUIN the low elo games cause so many low elo players complain about it.

Also, it’s very interesting that the game which has so many characters for beginners is less popular than those hardcore FPS.

At this point, I doubt such ez characters are really for beginners. It looks like a wrong belief among the OW devs.

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Moira has no utility. Her kit is based on dmg. If she was healbotting, the game would end up being 4v5 unless if it’s low elo. She has to do dmg to gain value and farm ult charge as long as you are healing at the same time. Don’t do 8k dmg and 2k heals like those Moira’s.

Sorry but I don’t feel like balancing the game for the bottom 1% anymore than I feel like balancing for the top 1%. So yes, get good.

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Bottom 1% hahahaha nice cope

Majority of the playerbase is low elo. MAJORITY.

The majority of the playerbase is in Gold/Platinum. Ranking is a bell curve and those are the two ranks that contain 60% of the playerbase. Moira is not a problem by the time you hit an elo where people can execute basic concepts like moving and shooting at the same time. The Moira problem legitimately is only a problem for people at the very bottom.

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These are not my words, but I believe Mr. PainWarriorX is indirectly calling you a bottom 1%.