No Point playing OW until Moira's damage is addressed

okay at low elo moira counter everyone because she don’t have to aim but gold and up bring is just better damage more hp a combo that can destroy genji

People play Moira in low ELO because shes the only support who can survive there if either DPS or Tank is bad at their job. Damage is not a problem


Totally, not disagreeing.

Well, the combo doesn’t wreck Genji but it does make him back off.

The issue is again, You end up having to have a Brig on your team, and outside of that she just isn’t useful.

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It’s funny how everyone defends Mercy so much, who does way much than Moira, yet Moira’s the one who needs all the nerfs. She’s fine as is. There are so many characters that destroy her. Anna has a massive self heal, and other hero’s self heal.

Mercy can only funnel a single player at the same time while having no offensive capabilities and relies on others for mobility and survival. Ana has no mobility and is a sitting duck while having long cds. Moira has a lot of free pass on everything.

Just learn to aim. It really is that simple; if you can aim, most of the time you will outdamage her. Being low rank isn’t an excuse for not being able to learn to aim better.


Moira is also the hero to teach supports how effective dealing damage is. She’s there to teach both low elo healers to play more like supports, and to teach low elo dps how to aim

This isn’t an argument because it doesn’t make it ok.

Master Yi is never buffed in League because they know it wouldn’t be fair to have a champion wreck low elo like he would.

…Yes it is fair. Master Yi isnt the same. Literally learn to aim and you beat moira. Its that simple.

Why isn’t Master Yi the same? it’s a very apt comparison.

Your argument isn’t an argument like I said and it still doesn’t make it ok.

Because the way they effect the game is different. Now, heroes like junkrat and reaper do fit your example. They have the tools and kit to absolutely dominate a lower ranked lobby which is why they have to be buffed carefully.

Moira is not the same. The only thing that really makes her problematic is how her beam is easier to aim than other weapons. But shes not out here wiping the team, even in low elo. I coach multiple lower rank players and have never seen a moira dominate their lobbies.

I’m not sure what you mean? of course they do because they’re entirely different game.

Do you think you can’t compare different things to each other to make a greater point?

I coach multiple lower rank players and have never seen a moira dominate their lobbies.

Calling cap on that or you just “coach” the same 10 players.

Not if they don’t match up, no. The issue isn’t what youre comparing, its that what youre saying is wrong.

You haven’t provided anything to say they don’t match up besides pointing out they’re different which is obvious.

Again, it just seems like you think you can’t compare different things to make a larger point which is hilarious.

I literally did below that but you ignored it.

What’s hilarious is this entire post tbh.

You literally did not. “affect the game different” isn’t a point to support why it’s not an apt comparison, which I’ve already said.

Are we just going to run around in circles now? not interested in that buddy.




You’re using a different example, using a different example doesn’t prove why my Master Yi isn’t an apt comparison.

That would be like you saying “no, that doesn’t work but what does work is THIS”.

And someon asks, “but why doesn’t it work?”

And you said “because this does”

Ok, great, but you didn’t actually prove why the other thing didn’t work.

I hope that makes sense.


Please, stop reading a single sentence and ending there. What im saying is, your example of heroes being problematic for low ranks(similar to master yi) does not work for moira because, contrary to popular belief, she isn’t a problem at low rank. the only thing that makes her problematic is a lose aim requirement, which as i said, doesn’t matter in the scheme of things. Moira doesn’t play that big of an impact in low rank games.

Reaper and Junkrat do fit your example, moira doesn’t. And i just explained why, again.

You just don’t think Moira is an issue in low rank?

I’m not sure why you’d think so, she’s a consistent pick that gets extreme value by just existing, she’s hardly ever punished.

While she might not be a win condition by simply existing, which thank God for that, it doesn’t stop her from being an issue because of what I said just before.