NO Pakistan Flag Icon

i mean most flags are there… but no Pakistani flag i mean There is India flag which is a neighboring country to Pakistan But no Pakistan Flag icon why… I mean For a diverse Game shouldn’t we all be represent

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Because Pakistan said NO?


A lot of flags can’t be added due to legal issues.


If Warzone can have it why not Overwatch?

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EXACTLY my bro when WARZONE HAS IT why can’t Overwatch

Because Warzone isn’t Overwatch.

And not being included now doesn’t mean it won’t come eventually.

i know its not Warzon but but it should have it i mean INDIAN FLAG is there Pakistan is Next to it

Yes. Pakistan Zindabad.

They’ve said they’d like to have every flag, but they aren’t allowed to for legal reasons. Take it up with Pakistan.

They said this in 2016: “We have only included flags from countries that have heroes or maps related to them”

Is this still true today?

Dude im sure Pakistan Has no Issue We love being included in the game i mean In India OVERWATCH Is BANNED due to the SYM SKIN… but Pakistan has no issue we have COD we have PUBG every game lol and Tekken has over flag in it not just that warzone has it… which is a blizzard Property so i dont know why Pakistan doesn’t have one

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How can there an Iraqi flag in the maps but not as a profile icon ?
also if I remember there isn’t a Cuban flag

no its not cause they are many flags in that game which heros aren’t in the game yet

The citizens of Pakistan aren’t the ones that decide when their flag can be used unfortunately.


Bro im talking about the GOV its not saying anything to Overwatch rather its totally opposite it was India That BANNED the game

Pakistan; greatest country in the world. All other countries, are run by little girls…

I’m just telling you what Blizzard has told us. There’s really no realistic reason for them to specifically not add the Pakistan flag. It’s just all legal stuff.

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where did it say please do Share It with me the link… i would love a Reference link i mean if you have a official statement i would love to read it cause that’s why i made this post i want someone official to tell me whats going on and why not other countries are in there and and if it is the case then WHY IS COD WARZONE HAS pakistan Flag… and they should release a post showing all the flags next to the heroes so we know which country what hero belong to thats what i want i want clarity


That’s an old post now I think its way different cause it doesn’t make sense IF other property of Activision Blizzard is Using it Why not Overwatch I mean I think they didn’t even contact anyone I mean that’s one statement from the blizzard they should show the reply from the countries I mean otherwise it makes no sense why COD warzone has it then only thing make sense is Each Hero that is in game has a flag… in my book that makes more sense :slight_smile:

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