NO Pakistan Flag Icon

2018 isn’t old. And likely still applies, or there would be the missing flags included by now already.

True, if other games are using it. Then I don’t know where the legal issues come from, your correct on this one.

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my friend if thats the case right then why is it Blizzard Activision has It in COD WARZONE

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The vast majority of flags in the game don’t have an associated hero actually.

Edit: Actually that’s not true. For some reason I remembered there being so many more flags than there actually are. Huh.

Thats what my point is… 1 if thats the case they should… give us each country regardless… 2 if Pakistan Didn’t Allow It how is it IN WARZONE … cause i know (Pakistan Gov) Doesn’t care about GAMES lol we weren’t even KNOWN to people IN TEKKEN until Our Kid Arsalan Ash Went to EVO japan And Beat every single player in the world…

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Well there seems to be a a pattern that many things that were blocked in 2016 are implemented now. Such as Cross-Play, the Workshop, Rainbow Icon ig. So unless they seek permission again, I don’t see it happening soon

what are you saying im confuse i have the rainbow and I have crossplay also I play workshops on daily basis

do you expect them to add every flag of every country?
that’s like 200 countries

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sure why not :stuck_out_tongue: whats harm in it they can and it wont hurt in mean 200 images wont eat that much space in there drive

Blizzard is cowardly. If anything threatens their profit they will lick the boot of the entity that calls foul

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These things weren’t in overwatch back in 2016 because they had legal issues or technical issues. But now they have tried again and so far they have had success.

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see i love your positive attitude i hope one day we have all the flags of our nation

what next? do you expect overwatch to have all 178 country flags in the game?

Well Im a Overwatch lover and i hope one day they do bring Pakistan Flag in Overwatch

They won’t even show my Soldier 1776 icon on the forums.

:us: :us: :us:

Unless you’re working for the gov of Parkistan, you can’t say whether they allow it or not. Maybe they allow it for warzone but not for OW. Who knows what’s happening behind the scene. :man_shrugging: :man_shrugging:

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I mean they want every flag in game, they just need permission first, they usually add country flags with summer games so who knows, maybe itll come with this years summer games event