No one noticed that Mercy got a change people asked for?

You will never see a grateful Mercy main. They could get everything they’ve ever asked for, and proceed to complain that it wasn’t done fast enough, or that it’s still somehow wrong.

Don’t, but be grateful that they gave you guys a buff that was explicitly stated. Or not even “grateful” really, but acknowledge that this could lead to something good. The swap speed doesn’t seem that bad at all, anyway. Its just not going to enable any “Call of Mercy: Angelic Warfare” metas any time soon.

BELIEVE me, I do. But I don’t think the buff is entirely horrible. Its just underwhelming, but useful.

People have noticed, but it’s not enough to really open new doors if that makes sense?

Like, it felt better to pull the pistol and glack a 76 that LoS’d the only ally I had going after him to secure the kill, but I would’ve been just fine at .5sec swap and been able to secure that kill just the same.

It’s not substantial enough, at least for my skill level, to give me more opportunities to secure a kill or disuade an attacker, it just feels more responsive to go for the gun then it had previously. So nothing for me has changed, it registers as a QoL more than a flat buff.

It’s definitely the best thing they gave her, and I appreciate it, but it doesn’t do anything as far as augmenting my tools so I can over all be more successful on Mercy.

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Don’t do it. Don’t pretend that this is meaningful. It’s like being starved in jail and then being told we should appreciate the slice of rotten apple the guard gave you. We’re still starving and miserable.


True… My edpi on mercy is too damn high (at least 2x what i use on every other hero). Glock on that sensitivity just feels clunky… but it is ok against stationary targets… Almost like there is a correlation in mercy killing widows almost exclusively in all of those mercy kills compilations and our high sensitivity… hmmm… :thinking:


I asked for medicine not homeopathy.

Make it 0.2s then we talk.


It does make perfect sense, but I think this buff isn’t supposed to be one that’ll open doors. Its supposed to be there to close them. Like, if you see a low health Damage hero trying to limp away, you can swap, shoot them, and then swap back to get back to healing.

I just played a match where Ramattra was incredibly low health for so long. Even Mercy could have glocked him, but no one did, so he lived instead. Why didn’t we? Because we were all occupied.

I was on a support, my tank was on some DPS, the supports didn’t have the LOS (Zen and Ana).

At that moment, I realized that Mercy would likely be positioned perfectly to kill him herself. She’d likely be behind the tank or me (because I was echo); he’d have been easy pickings. That’s where this buff shines.

Even if it shines poorly.

Well yeah, that’s true. I think the devs are afraid of giving Mercy too much damage because then they’d need to nerf her mobility. Honestly, if I had to choose, I’d keep the poor gun and great mobility because she’s more fun that way.

But its not like that. Its literally like starving, saying “God, I want a from Micdonalds specifically”, so a guard says “Okay” and when you get it you go “This is one of those dollar menu burgers! How dare you!”.

Honestly the buff itself is like non-existent. A lot of top Mercy players have mentioned that if they can’t kill an enemy in 10/15 shots then they’re already dead.

Others mentioned that good Mercys don’t need to Glock cause they know how to use her mobility to survive.

Also there’s the fact that when Mercy is the last one alive they either try to make it back to their team or take themselves out to prevent staggering.

And there’s a portion of Mercy players who have said “if I’m trying to take 25+ shots on Mercy, I I shouldn’t be playing Mercy” since there are other supports who can do better.


Still not fast enough, its the only thing that makes any sense with the gun thus far. However, Mercy needed literally anything but what she got (aside from GA changes, NO MORE GA CHANGES)

When have they ever gotten anything substantial to warrant this comment? The kit is and always has been mediocre unimpactful trash, Blizzard is lucky that Mercy is such a popular character that shes getting pickrates at all after being a brainless pocketbot


Not true… Plenty of us were grateful after first two nerfs to Moth… It was not fun to play as almost as it was not fun to play against…

at this point, after 5 years of asking for Valk to not break beams, and 4 years of asking to break her ‘pocket’ play style? Sorry but no. I will be grateful when I see some actual changes that are good…

Usefull like 5% of a time when I play her… So at this point just take it back and give me my hope back…

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Mercy’s supposed to be a guardian angle though. Why shouldn’t she be a pocket medic? Besides that, you don’t have to pocket people, you could just bounce streams between people. The valk breaking might be a good buff though.

Because shes a main healer, lmao. Back in the OG days when everyone loved Overwatch, Mercy THE main healer, you ever hear of beam juggling? Cant do it anymore, but it used to be a staple of Mercy and was incredibly viable, but fun


I can, but it is not the most impactfull playstyle… Why would I do it if it is not optimal way to win and climb?

It is like having snowblower and using it in July… Technically you can, but what is the point?

Also, before Moth meta she was a main support focused on healing (well during technically during Moth also)… Why we don’t bring that back somehow… NGL it was so much fun back then to play mercy before rework (and no, I didn’t hide myself to get 5rez… I was mercy that constantly tempo rezzd)

What I think they mean is when the higher they go in rank, her need ping-pong from teammate to teammate is not needed as it is in lower ranks.

It’s something I’ve been seeing and a lot of high rank Mercys have mentioned.

Probably because they didnt change it enough. Its not a very big difference.

Main support*


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That doesn’t mean pocketing is a must. Really, you should try to maintain health on everyone around you. Also, you haven’t explained why she can’t juggle beams anymore. I’m pretty sure I do it; I only really pocket heroes who need the pocketing in that moment.

Ah! I see. That’s more of a rank issue, though. How do you change Mercy to where she can just juggle beams in every rank without breaking her? This is the issue with Comp in the game, anyway. Everyone has a conflicting idea of what makes a character healthy.

She was a main healer, that was her very description part near. 60HPS + no overtuned DPS + viably being able to juggle beams made this so.

High ELO its impossible, which is why dmg boost pocketing exists as it does. See above ^

I don’t think anyone is saying it’s horrible, just entirely disproportionate to the problems Mercy players have been struggling with in the new 5v5, 1-tank balance world.

Like, if Blizzard sees a man in the desert dying of thirst and says “OH SIR DON’T WORRY WE KNOW HOW DIFFICULT THINGS ARE FOR YOU RIGHT NOW.” Then they run up to him all enthusiastically, take out a 1mL dropper of water and just squirt a dropper full on his face and jog away. The guy has more water now and I guess he’s technically better off than before but it’s really not addressing the situation in a way that helps the core problem. Expecting a show of gratitude after a gesture like that will usually leave one disappointed.


Well, technically there is no healer class in this game…

She was main support focused on healing…