No hero should be able to oneshot with primary

Yup - one shots mean the other DPS need to do more damage to keep up. Removing 1 shots would mean damage in general can go down, so tanking and healing can also get some focus for re-balancing. But no, i wouldnt say nerf to the ground.

So? It’s so much easier to land, it has a big hitbox and doesn’t require a headshot.
If Doomfist is near you he is basically guaranteed to hit you. Widow actually requires good aim to do so.


Its an ability (on cooldown) meaning its more of an investment than a left click. He has to be in danger to use it. You can probably see him when he’s about to hit you, so he’s a big target you can easily counter with your own abilities.

Widow’s half way across the map left clicking with a scope.


That’s a 4s cooldown only. Widow has a ~1.2s fire rate with fully charged shots, if she doesn’t descope, and then she has to reload too.
It’s within the same order of magnitude.

The consistency that a big hitbox offers is extremely valuable, and actually removes quite a lot of counter play.


He has to use loads of different cooldowns to generally function and get value. He has to be close up and in danger to do damage.

Widow does not.

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They do have different kits, yes.
As far as Doomfist goes, he got compensated for all of his draw backs, multiple times.
While all Widow has is a long range burst gun, and a long cooldown escape ability.
If you can aim really well, Widow is a strong hero, but in general Doomfist has less counter play, a big reason being that he is easier to aim with.

Yes they do have different kits. So why were you comparing widow to fist?

“all” widow has is the ability to 1 shot left click someone from across the map. That “all” is absolutely huge and OP. That “long cooldown” is not long. Widow definitely has less counterplay than Fist - he’s IN the fight, she’s not.

Either way, sitting back and left clicking, waiting for the enemy to come to you is much less dangerous than getting in there and attacking with Fist. Using abilities is much more of an investment than not using abilities.

That said, i dont think Fist should be able to 1 shot either, but that’s an argument for later.

Because both one shot, and Doomfist has fewer counter plays despite the cooldown, and because of the big hitboxes.

You’re repeating yourself without addressing my points.

Yes, they do both 1 shot. And people are more OK with doomfist doing 1 shots because he has to get into danger to use them. His 1 shots also have a condition of hitting the enemy into a wall. He’s countered much more easily because he’s up close. He also has to time and invest his abilities because he’s up close, then escape danger.

Widow doesnt actually have “real” counters, just enemies that can inconvenience her. Fist gets hardcountered by Sombra.


If the hero has a high skill ceiling then i think they deserve to have oneshotkills. But only if they’re hard to play

You asked my reason, that was it :woman_shrugging:

Despite all that Doomfist has less counter play, because he is easier to aim with, and has been compensated for all of his draw backs.

Sombra barely counters Doomfist. The team with the Doomfist has a higher chance of winning than the one with Sombra. You probably read my arguments already.
If Sombra counters Doomfist, than just about everyone counters Widow, because they can kill her quickly from mid-range.
Now calling tgose heroes a counter may be too much, but it’s definitely counter play, that anyone can do, without switching. Because of Widow’s fairly traditional fps kit

Snipers are meant to oneshot you and have always been a part of shooter games. Adapt or leave.

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Stating your reason without paying any attention to my counterpoints is just repeating yourself.

Doom definitely has more counterplay - being in range of danger means he’s easier to shoot / boop / CC / kill. Those are counters widow doesnt suffer from at long range.

If sombra hacks fist in close range, he’s dead - its pretty much the same as a hacked Hammond. He loses all his abilities - things he needs to survive. He’s dead. That’s a harder counter than anything Widow has. She’s not countered, she’s inconvenienced.

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Widow can miss. That’s already more.

That’s a very big if. Doomfist is hard to hack, because he is mobile. The team with the Doomfist has a very distinct advantage, because Doomfist is inherently more valuable, even with the small chance of getting hacked.

If you two shot Widow she is dead too… And that doesn’t require any specific ability.

And as far as Hammond goes, he is a tank, he is meant to absorb such things for his team.

That’s how you get GOATS.

Counterplay means the enemy plays something that counters you. Missing isnt counterplay, missing is being bad. Also, doom can miss too - his fist is highly telegraphable so the enemy can move or bubble (i do this ALL the time). Widow has no telegraphing.

Landing a hack isnt hard - its pretty much a lock on.

If you 2 shot widow, she probably shouldnt have been standing there, plus she just got out-skilled.

Your point about Hammond is irrelevant to this conversation.

And in every other game, I can sneak up on a sniper with an SMG and kill them with relative ease, rewarding my ability to stealth through by making them a sitting duck.

All of the snipers in this game (except for Ana) have the ability to escape quite a distance.

Well, nothing you cant do about that than get better. This doesn happen that often either. So it aint that end of the world if you lose some games when the enemy gets better players.

Only if your team is going to be stubborn ones and keep feeding, not group up or not work as a team, etc. This is a teambased game overall…

True, but ow is that kinda-ish good for that cause you can see what the enemy are playing within like 30+ seconds or so. And you can swap your comp when ever you wanted to. You really cant do that with other games.

Play some Quake instagib. Get good there, then you’ll appreciate the subtelties of gun play.

But he has a big hitbox, so it’s all negated.

Good Genji players can deflect frame perfectly.

But it has a short range, and Doomfist is hyper mobile.
You can only really hack him when he is not paying attention, or one shot a team mate of yours in melee range with punch.

Widow has to out skill everybody for any kill too.

I played a lot of instagib, i know how to shoot a rail gun thx. Overwatch is not instagib.

Its not all negated - he’s relatively easy to dodge.

I dont care if good genjis can frame deflect, it doesnt change how doomfist makes a loud noise and stands still glowing before he fires and widow does not. Telegraphing means “showing the enemy what you’ll do before you do it”.

Widow does NOT have to outskill everyone before each kill, she just needs to point and click. If someone has to land 2 shots to kill you and you only need to land 1, you have the advantage therefore the enemy has to be better than you to win.