No hero 30 leaks?

I have to say I’m surprised there’s not even a ridiculous leak in 4chan

If someone spots something, even if it can be remotely believable, please send it our way :slight_smile:


All of the Ashe leakers are hiding in fear knowing they’ll be wrong.

I’m surprised no one has done it out of envy though.

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Mayby that means that there is no new hero soon? :stuck_out_tongue:



and a lot of required characters.



Dont worry 2 weeks after paris release, we will have a teaser

Oh leakers getting ready to leak newest Apex “Legends”. Overwatch is old news. /s

But seriously not everyone is getting leaked: Moira and Ashe came from left field. Noone saw them comming. Briggy was lucky guess and may I remind you people were speculating Hammond is a chimp?


If there was a leak on 4chan, then most of the users would say game is dead. Along with other stuff like TF2 is better.

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Yea, Im honestly annoyed we havent seen anything yet. But lets give is a few days. I am kind of excited to get a new hero.

Even though people say this game is dead and old news, I still get ecstatic when its around the time for a new hero to be released.


Hammond was fair, we weren’t aware of the fact other animals were kept on the Colony outside of Primates, some people started questioning that belief however when we got to see his room.

And iirc there was one guy who leaked information about a ‘female McCree’


Lots of people saw Ashe coming many people were predicting a member of the deadlock gang or their leader.

Found a leak!


Is it a leak or did someone forget to turn the knob all the way?


Persona 5 Intensifies


So I know you told me another post for some hero concepts for tanks. Do you have any for support? Besides Echo but we know she is not hero 30.

It could be a fake leak. You might be on to something.


Give it another week to week and a half.

Likely because the people who used to do that lost interest in the game.

Or there will be no hero 30, there’s always that possibility :man_shrugging:

OR is it suggesting the new hero is water based?? Ultimate creates a gaint wave that knocks back everyone in its path. ABilities cleanse allies of negative effects. Has a water form in which its body physically becomes water, absorbing all damage. Passive ability, when low on health, it will leave a water clone letting you escape.


What leak? Did they tease something?