No Endorsement in Play vs AI or Arcade?

That’s a big portion of the community who will decay or stay at lvl 1 endorsement rank…


Then it must be a bug. I might also be remembering wrong, so that’s my bad.
Having endorsements would be really useful in arcade for a lot of people, me included. I play most of the time in arcade, one way or the other.
(usually deathmatch or mystery heroes)

I’m not sure if they’re going to try and have endorsements in deathmatches, though. Might be a little difficult to get them to make sense?..

Yup. Can group for arcade with the finder, but no endorsement? WTF?


I primarily play Arcade, and I too would like endorsements for how I play and act as a person. :frowning:


Maybe that’ll weed out the fake nicers doing it for the reward. Should be interesting.

Interesting, personally I feel Play vs AI should have it because of the fact there are many people who only play that mode and they’re basically excluded from this new feature because of the mode they have fun in. We have to remember not everyone has the same taste in what lets them have a good time, especially since when you play a video game you’re playing to have fun (if you aren’t then that’s a bit strange). It’s not as if having the endorsements in Play vs AI would be any different than in QP… There is still a matchmaker and you can only give one per a set amount of hours to a person. You would most likely get endorsements at the same speed as in QP, possibly slower because people actually have to put forth a conscious effort to do so. I see no problem :confused:


Vs. AI, I can understand why they’d leave it out…but the Arcade makes no sense…I spend almost all my playtime in the Arcade (what can I say, I love Mystery Heroes), and the idea that I can’t commend someone who actually speaks up and conveys helpful information in the mode boggles the mind.


The endorsement system would help in Mystery Heroes and hopefully get those people who suicide when they get a hero they don’t like from suiciding.


Yeah, us Mystery Heroes and other Arcade modes addicts wont get to experiment the system it seems.

Hope it’s a bug.


Blizzard actively dissuades players from these “non-proper” modes with lower exp. What makes you think they want to reward players for good behavior in these modes?


Nor is it in Customs
Why add something if it’s only going to affect 2 modes/ kinds of players?
What about players who only play Customs or only play arcade?

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Oh I thought the AI just refused to endorse me because you know “mad cuz bad”. :rofl:

Really? :smiley: according to this, bliiz force us to play only these 2 modes; why they made other then?
Funny, i always thought there is no “proper” or “non-proper” modes and we have a choose what modes we want to play. Or players needs to be good only in these modes but in other they can be toxic and mean?

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Just logged in and decided to check out this new feature, it was about time to reward friendly players instead of pure ban ban and report that seems to do nothing anyways only to find out about it, really stupid for them, Arcade is the only place I have a little amount of fun in this game, it is bad enough people like me get even less experience on that mode and now this problem, it is like OW dev team hates people having fun their own way,


Too bad. there is a huge community that only does or predominately does AI. To keep the system out of arcade and AI is kind bad form IMO.

I guess Blizzard really wants people out of the arcade, custom games, and AI and into QP and comp to give quicker ques and face roll victories for the hardcores.


I had no idea it was only comp. I could understand if comp weighed a bit more heavily, or maybe if they introduced separate endorsement levels for QP/arcade, but why wouldn’t they want to encourage teamwork and friendly play in all modes? I hope this is just something that hasn’t made it live yet and is in the works


I play vs. AI to practice first game of the day and if I feel off/rusty. Otherwise, I play Mystery Heroes. I have no intention of playing with people who whine about hero selection. It’s tiring. The Mystery Heroes community is great, and I’d like to give my teammates props. Fix this, please.

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Is this going to make arcade mode the place where toxic player vent?


Assuming this was an intentional decision by Blizzard, it’s an absolutely awful one.

Hopefully it’s just a mistake that will be fixed.


Can we just take a moment to appreciate the fact, that Blizzard introduced a new General Feature to the game, but forgot to let you actually use it.

I didn’t think it was possible to mess this System up…but it IS Overwatch we’re talking about.