No Endorsement in Play vs AI or Arcade?

Vs AI its not needed I think because its PvP only related (the intention was also PvP). So it makes no sense why not in Arcade…

Yeah, very disappointing. I don’t see why they shouldn’t include it in these two modes.


It’s official now : Blizzard said Vs.AI and Arcade are bad modes and our System will punish you for playing them too much, since your Endorsement level will decay.

Fun :slight_smile:


Yeah this has to be a bug right? Why can’t I endorse great teammates in Mystery Heroes?


You get no XP if you play custom vs AI solo and VS AI has matchmaking


That’s hilarious. Means the most touted update of the game means nothing for a measurable amount of the playerbase.


Haven’t actually gotten home yet to this new update but this definitely seems like a bug to me. Honestly no reason why they would exclude certain game modes from endorsement :frowning:

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Friends cannot endorse each other if that’s what you’re trying to say.

It’s ridiculous that you wouldn’t be able to endorse someone in CTF for example.
Just allow it in any matchmade arcade modes.


You can only endorse a player once per whatever set amount of hours it is, and if you play Play vs AI you have a high chance of playing with the same people over and over, maybe getting a few new ones. Its no different than in Quick Play with the match maker. A very large portion of people only play AI because thats their way of having fun. They shouldn’t be excluded from this system. And for example, League has their honours system in Play vs AI (which is where the inspiration for this system came from). There’s really no good reason to cut off a large selection of people from being able to partake in this new feature just because they don’t enjoy other game modes. I guarantee that you would get your endorsements no quicker than you would in Quick Play.


yeah, i thought you can, but i didnt test it on PTR

There is a sizable portion of the player base that plays in Arcade almost exclusively and they are left out of the new system. It is VERY unfair for endorsements to be turned off in Arcade.

Any of the team based Arcade modes should have endorsements enabled. I can see why FFA Deathmatch wouldn’t because it isn’t team based, but the other modes should have it enabled.


I have to say I’d like to see it added to all game modes.



It is in Comp 3v3, but other than that, I guess it’s not in any other modes in the arcade

I have never seen a game actively try to be as least enjoyable as possible, except Overwatch that is.

I was kinda excited for this new feature but im excluded from using it. Thanks.


This is so stupid.
Im sticking to arcade regardless.


I feel that Vs AI shouldn’t have Endorsements, but Arcade is a more enjoyable version of quick play so having endorsements is a must.

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This just shows they only care about competitive and quick play. Most of the decisions revolve around these two modes yet it effects the player base of ALL modes.


I think that the Endorsements do work in Arcade, just maybe not as intended. I get the options after I’ve already left the match, which isn’t exactly ideal. I’d like to have them sooner.

Player vs AI, at least in my opinion, shouldn’t have endorsements. They are meant to be given to other players as positive feedback.

I’m very glad to have these in the game, though. =)

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Well, I played some Arcade Mystery Heroes and there is no way to endorse anybody. I just get the “There are no endorsements possible for the last played match” when i use N. :frowning:

I really hope this is a bug because I exclusively play Arcade so i always will stay at level 1…