No disabled (Wheelchair!) characters in Overwatch

Genji would be in a wheelchair if it was not future, where they can replace his bodyparts.


Lol well there was the dumpster fire of Battlefeild 5 and the 1 armed female British WWII soldier

Winston needs glasses boom there’s one.


I mean I don’t know how I feel about shooting a lethal weapon at someone in a wheelchair. It’s kinda like how we never got Efi as a hero because she’s a kid

But not everyone can afford to replace their limbs, plus you must think of someone who doesn’t want to become a cyborg and insert metal in their bodies.

In the OW universe, prosthetic are very common and likely not expensive so most people who would need a wheel chair nowadays would have some prosthetic to help them walk. Tbh though, this post just seems like you’re looking for an argument, so maybe its better i dont think much into it lol.


Than I guess such person would not be accepted by Overwatch/Talon/Blackwatch, cause they need people with some martial arts or special powers. You can say it´s not fair, but it´s how it is. You can´t fight in war paralised, unless you compensate for your missing body parts somehow or you have some superpowers that make you equaly strong.

Uh, junkrat is a thief, pretty sure thieves arent generally loaded with cash. Ball made his mech out of scrap, so the tech is cheap. It’s not poor shaming when things are cheap.

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Joe Swanson from Family Guy.

Cop. Uses wheelchair. Has a gun. Kicks butt.

Diversity achieved.


Not sure which one is more expensive.


This really feels like some bad bait


That’s… not how either of those terms work.

I do not begrudge any genuine wheelchair user asking for a hero who uses a sci-fi wheelchair to be added. I think that could be cool, and it’s not like it will have any negative effect on the game.

But there are heroes with missing limbs/eyes, which means there are heroes with disabilities (just not a wheelchair). Assuming you are posting in good faith, your opening post inclines me to believe you don’t have a lot of experience or research/understanding on this topic, or on what people with disabilities are referring to when they talk about ableism.

this has to be a troll

He is mocking my thread about black women in ow.

He just copied it.

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Never mind that accusing everyone else of being ableist while narrowly defining “disabled” as “in a wheelchair” is, itself, ableist.

The only winning move is not to play.


lmao my guy tried to make fun of lgbtq+ but then forgot that Torb and Cree are both disabled im crying

imagine being so unloved you go this low but the low u go to isn’t even correct by ur own standards

You can turn a wheelchair into a flying tank with lasers, rockets etc. It can be better than everyone else’s abilities.

Then as I said a person might dislike having metal in their bodies so they prefer a wheelchair instead.

Just have some imagination. Some cool science or military team could donate a high-tech wheelchair to disabled person.
I’m too good at writing lore, basically doing Blizzard job here smh.

Who even are you?

Yeah yeah, keep ignoring people in a wheelchair, you ableist.

wheelchairs arent the only disability

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And I never said that it was the only disability. I’m saying that there is no character on a wheelchair and that’s a fact. Don’t be a bigot.

There was a time where Overwatch Twitter posted a pic of a wheelchair on lijang and ppl thought they was teasing a wheelchair hero