No disabled (Wheelchair!) characters in Overwatch

The game is already 5 years old and yet we don’t have a disabled character. :wheelchair:

Come on, every other game has one. It’s like ableist Blizzard thinks that disabled characters can’t compete with everyone else. That’s insulting and outrageous.

No comments about how it is “forced diversity” or that nobody needs a hero to “justifies their existence”, btw…

Imagine having someone on a high-tech anti-gravity wheelchair with rocket boosters, built-in miniguns and some healing or debuff aura emitting from it.

More diversity please, Blizzard. :wheelchair:

Edit: no, people with missing limbs and psychological illnesses are not the type of disabled I’m talking about. There are no characters in a wheelchair and that’s a fact. :wheelchair:

Edit2: people forgot how to read, so I’ll explain it like you are 5.
Vitalez says there is no characters in Overwatch that are using a wheelchair because of their disabilities.
Vitalez never said that people in a wheelchair are the only disabled people.


This topic is boring


Honestly my favorite parody thread is the one where someone asked for Vegan representation


It is not.
Don’t be an ableist and please think about every disabled person that has no way to identify themselves with someone in the game.

Yes, having a vegan representation would be cool as well.

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Did you even look at the heroes first before talking? :woman_facepalming:

mccre, torb, junkrat, genji, ana and even rein. They are all missing a body part.


I was watching X-Men yesterday and wouldn’t mind a hero like Professor X in Overwatch. Could get a Reaper please make me an Sandwich voice line


Peg leg ain’t disabled enough for ya? It’s gotta be a natural disability, I see

Just play as Hammond in ball mode only and use your imagination


Would be interesting and plus I like having new heroes. A few years back there was a blind hero support concept that I liked.

Here is a link and they created some other disabled heroes too.

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Pretty sure Genji is just a head.


They are not disabled enough to be in a wheelchair plus they can afford high-tech expensive prosthetics to mitigate their problems. So on top of Blizzard being ableist, they are also poor-shaming people.

We have a ton of characters with robotic/wooden limbs

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Dont forget Sigma, he floats arround how do know if he is unable to walk after his accident, yes he moves his legs but many people that are unable to walk are still able to move their legs

Care to name a few? I’m not trying to be rude, I’m just genuinely curious of relevant examples.

It’d be best if they’re from shooter games to parallel with OW.

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I know you’re joking (I used to make parody posts too, lmao), but I do have a question:

Wouldn’t augmented characters count as disabled? Like McCree and Sym?

They do in my game, but that’s because metal arms, legs and such require a level of maintenance that generally make them a direct downgrade to normal limbs (well, unless you get a more expense one, but you know).


Well Genji is a disabled character

Isn’t… Torb… literally missing an arm?

Do you think that disabled = has to be in wheelchair lol

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Apparently we can bring people back from the dead but can’t attach missing limbs.

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We have multiple people with prosthetics, Sym has autism and Sigma has… whatever that is. Blackhole Brain?

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No disabled characters?
Um…ok, let´s see:
I will start from the beginning:

  • Ana: damaged eye
  • Genji: missing more than half of his body
  • Junkrat: missing limbs
  • McCree: missing arm
  • Reaper: basicly decaying
  • Reinhardt: missing eye
  • Hog: radiation sickness (or something like that as I understood - mask, breather)
  • Sigma: insanity, split character, mental disorder
  • Symmetra: autistic
  • Torb: missing arm and eye
  • Tracer: basicly totaly disabled in existence without her chrono - thing
  • Widow: brainwashed

And this is just what I know of…


That’s a different story. Yes, people with similar conditions can identify themselves with someone like McCree. But there are no paralyzed characters in a wheelchair in OW. Blizzard deliberately ignores this part of community and prevents people with such condition from being able to identify with someone.