No comp points for season 6

Even if you’re correct and there’s no “bug preventing rewards”, the game IS still bugged because everyone is getting the rewards menu upon login.

We see the same “This is what your rank was, and these are your point rewards!” menu that everyone sees. If we’re not actually getting either the rank title unlock or the competitive points, we shouldn’t be seeing a menu telling us that we are.

It’s a bad design, and I can look back on previous seasons to see they didn’t always have that challenge requirement (S1, S3 MH, S4 Deathmatch), so I’m guessing it’s there to encourage players to do more than one 5 win placement and stick to their previous SR.

But as another user stated, if 15 wins in a particular competitive mode is actually required to receive the rank history (competitive seasonal challenge), rank title, and rank rewards…then why is that not mentioned anywhere in the competitive submenu? Why can you even have a rank without 15 wins period, if you get literally no rewards for that rank?

It’s a horrible design. They should either be removing that challenge requirement or they should be requiring 15 games for a placement, because earning a rank at 5 games and getting no rewards for earning that rank is beyond absurd.


This is incorrect. Comp mystery heroes, role queue, and open queue all have their own point rewards.

Prior to this season end where I got nothing because of some bug, i was getting rewards for both role queue and mystery heroes.

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I too didn’t get any comp points.

I completed the 15 wins requirement, placed two roles in role queue and placed in mystery heroes, and got no rewards for any of those placements.


Which confirms it is a bug. So people saying that it isn’t, are not understanding we have 15+ wins and didn’t get the reward. It’s frustrating.


I’m pretty sure the comp challenges specifically say you can only get one end of season reward.

Maybe a bug ended up in your favor.

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Issues like this shouldn’t exist to begin with but same here…got plat on dmg (role queue) and plat on mystery hero’s…still haven’t received my rewards… hopefully they fix this


they don’t even say that now, let alone an older season.

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me neither, won 15 matches but got nothing


Same bro, I’m missing my comp points form mystery heroes!!!


Same. Didn’t get any comp points for Team Comp or Mystery Heroes.


Same here. No comp points nor titles for queue and mystery heroes, but i got the notification on login yesterday, but no rewards.


Same here. Won 15 matches in total AND in each role I queued for + open queue too. I played mystery heroes too but I just did me 5 wins and left it at that.
My brother and friend are having the exact same problem. I already made a support ticket and the person who helped me said to post in the forum because they couldn’t help.


Same here I don’t know what to do I’ve gotten 0 points from season 4-6 and spent $70 on skins recently solely because I wanted a gold gun to match the skin that I was buying. I’m owed over 1500 comp points bare minimum I believe prolly a lot lot more but my account def needs to be looked into and be compensated.

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On the exact same situation, I didn’t receive my competitive points from mystery. hero and I hit diamond. And I’m missing 900


same but with season 3


A lot of people won the 15 games and didn’t get comp points or titles.

Blizzard messed it up somehow.

Keep posting about it.


how many games did you win

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Bumping this. I placed Masters in Comp MH and was stoked about my master sleuth title. Didnt gain any comp points either


I have the same problem


same problem here too