No comp points for season 6

Having calibrated for 2 seasons in a row, I don’t get points for buying golden weapons. If I calibrate for 2 seasons in a row, I don’t get points for buying golden weapons. Neither for the “by roles” mode, nor for the “mysterious heroes”. In support, they also asked to write in this topic on the forum. It’s hard to believe that Blizzard is dealing with this problem with the players!

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I doubt Blizzard will ever fix this. They will only work on game breaking bugs. But rewards bugs for the players, no Blizzard won’t spend time on that. They just want you playing more and buying from their shop.

You may have noticed they messed up on the shop price for a Dva skin and it was fixed within 24 hrs. Of course one is a much more simpler fix, but this shows where their priorities are.

They legit do not care about anyone on here. It’s sad because they used to care a lot.


Not sure if I received points, but titles are again missing for this season. Awesome.


Same I received zero comp points for any rank yet playing and winning more than 15 matches.


I placed and changed ranks 3 times XD


for the past 3 seasons i have not received any of my season rewards i honestly think they just dont give a sh|t anymore


i also received no competitive points, i got the notification screen at the beginning of season six and then never got any for my plat placement last season :confused: kinda bummed just want gold i will note as well that i started the season on steam and accepted the “reward” there and it didn’t reflect on my account and then i switched back to to see if that would help and nothing there either


You have to have won 15 games in whatever comp category you want points in (i.e. 15 role/open queue wins, 15 mystery hero wins, etc…). I have seen so many incompetent people complain about this and not read the descriptions for the end of season comp point reward challenges.

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i didn’t get mine too from the mystery heroes, same thing on my smurf acc


i havent had comp points this season. We need this fixed


As I said earlier…

But there have been plenty of people who have confirmed they won 15 or more games and still got no rewards. So maybe some people are confused by a needlessly confusing system, but others are still experiencing a bug.


It’s at the point now where we’ve raised this since the start of season 6 and the ‘community manager’ hasn’t even realised its a bug. I love the game but the team clearly doesn’t care about the fan base, it’s just a cash grab at this point and a lousy effort one at that. I won’t be buying anymore season passes and I won’t be wasting my time in the game if it doesn’t get fixed soon.


i ended the last season of competitive of misery heroes in top 500 but still only got the title and coins for ending the season in master but still in t500

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You are not alone in experiencing this bug. I’ve linked the competitive bugs megathread at the bottom of this post, which archives and documents almost every competitive bug. I put your thread under: Missing Top 500 Rewards (Season 6). Please help in spreading the word about this megathread and other related threads, we must demand the Developers to give us the rewards we rightfully earned.

Same thing happened to me, only received role queue points and title but no mystery heroes points or title.

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Go on overwatch right now and look at the challenges tab. Then go to competitive. Then under Team Queue for this season (season 5). There is states “End the season ranked as {Enter Rank Here} in Team Queue. Only one rank challenge awarded.” It has no mention of how many games one must play. It only requires the player finishing with a specific rank. This is exactly how mystery heroes was worded too. Pshhh, “incompetent”, get outta here with that.

Also, if you are only referring to role queue, go to challenges tabs. Then go to competitive. Then under General, you will see any competitive rewards and titles require you to complete the “Competitive Player” challenge which you can also find in the Challenges → Competitive → General. It states that the player must “Win 5 games in Competitive Play.”

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Have you looked at it EVER in previous seasons? They legit made a thread about changing it to 5 games this season. Every other season has required 15 wins. I don’t have screenshots, but go to any video of someone looking at comp challenges and you’ll see the “Win 15 games in Competitive Queue”

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I completed the season 1 of Mystery Heroes challenge so it still shows in my completed challenges and it says the same thing as season 3 of mystery heroes challenge… Why so aggro? Seems silly.

Also, just to add, I only won 5 games for that season of mystery heroes and still got the title and comp points.
Season 7 patch notes link below with no mention of what you described:

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