No change after 7 wins

This entire progress after first getting placed I’d chaotic currently, for me if has changed. I go placed in silver 1 (ow1 i was high plat low diamond) and after going I think 7/5 i moved up to gold 2, not sure if the role is also impacting change but I’m playing support.

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I understand it’s always been a trend to complain about being placed in the “wrong rank”, but I think for the first time ever it’s actually just a bug. For some reason, VERY few people are placing in gold and silver. And MOST people are placing considerably lower than their OW 1 rank. In a typical bell curve you’d expect most players to be low gold, but it seems for some reason there’s a huge amount of average skill players being thrown into bronze 4-5.

At first people thought it was like performance based SR, but these people placing bronze also starting sharing their stats and they were definitely not bronze 5 performance level stats. So perhaps there’s something really wrong.

My hypothesis is that performance stats are not relative to players in your match like medals but relative to all players, but when you are stomping so hard, the enemy dies fast and doesn’t deal much damage which actually gives the team that’s winning less than average healing and damage numbers. As a result the game is treating an overwhelming victory like subpar play, as a result people who should be climbing out of bronze 5 really fast are not, and because they are not it’s a feedback loop where the average damage and healing stats of the bronze 5 is inflated due to too many people placing in bronze. That’s my speculative theory for the moment.


The way I read it was you go up per level in that rank every 7 wins. That way you could climb but if its just win 7 and hope you rank better then that’s crap.

but 14 wins in I went from bronze 5 to 3 so its working

I guess my other question is, why on earth wouldn’t they reset MMR? Clearly there are many of us who’ve learned to play better than when we started, but got stuck in whatever rank we’re in. Unless it’s a money thing. Honestly feels like Blizzard is saying, “Tired of being stuck in bronze when you know you’re better than that? Just spend the time and effort (and hopefully money) on a new account and show us what you’ve got. We’ll gladly place you based on your skill rather than your previous MMR (and we’ll gladly take any money you want to spend to get the same skins, etc. as your main account while we’re at it).”


It’s more complicated than that, many people have reported not ranking up after 7 wins, other people have reported skipping entire ranks and jumping 2 ranks up after 7 wins. I’m not sure if it’s crap, but it’s certainly disorienting and not how you read it.

I honestly think they did reset it, as well as compress everyone down a bit. it’s very volatile. keep playing. I placed bronze 5 on support, then 7 games later went to silver 3, then 7 games later went to gold 5.

Rank doesn’t really mean anything at all bronze-diamond, the system is so messed up and every1 knows it :slight_smile:

actually there are many players in bronze that are just as skilled as those in gold, if not even more so, it is just that most of those who are in gold play in premade teams with other players that are just over the average in skill so they get consistent teams instead of randomly put together teams with people they don’t know how they play or what classes they will choose etc

There are also players in gold that are worse than many players in bronze for the same reason, and some in gold have even been “carried” there by friends who are far better than they are, because they want to play together

I have many times in the past asked for two different ranked games, one where u can only join alone and play and one where u can join as teams, since the team playing is what people usually compete in, so they could have their own “super ambitious ranked ladder” :slight_smile:

I like being able to track more or less my progress in a new game with ranking, but I don’t really have the time or interest to compete on high level or in competitions etc, so it would be nice to have a less serious ladder (but of course, smurfs would come to trash that too)

Also the ranking systems in all fps games are totally messed up by something called “smurfs”, it is when higher ranked players enter lower ranks to mess up their games, without them a lot more skilled players would be way higher(appropriate) rank and even the pro scene might look very different, which might indeed be the reason to smurfing, to make sure u stay as high rank as u can by not letting all players climb the ranks

It is not an easy thing to fix of course, it would be imposible the control who plays honest or not, so I for one have no good idea for a solution to it :slight_smile:

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Seems more like they subtracted 1000 SR from everyone’s previous.

I have 14 current wins, 5 losses. All of my wins But one are with sojourn. Every single win that I have, I’ve gotten play of the game in. I’ve saved each and every one. And I still haven’t moved up in rank

I know i´m not the best DPS player around, but i refuse to believe i should be placed on Bronze 5, the lowest rank in the game. I was doing good matches, best DPS on the match in many of them, with different characters, but what i think after this is “so all my effort was worthless”.

Thankfully i don´t care much about competitive, just playing it now to see where i end + get points for golden guns. But this can be infuriating to a truly competitive player, demotivate you to keep playing and, in the end, result in that person not wanting to spend money on microtransactions.


i rank up from sliver 4 to sliver 2 last night my first 7 wins nothing happened cause i only played torb and honzo second time around i kinda flexed on different hero’s so each win had 3 hero’s on my next 7wins and somehow i ranked up // are they trying to get us to flex diff heros every game???

Two accs in same tier, one got placed in Diamond V, 2nd (Drunk gameplay) got placed in Gold IV

Support 21-9. STILL BRONZE 5.

The lack of any transparency on rank progress is absurd. Making me want to stop playing cause there is NO reward for grinding.

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Because Blizz decided to literally take the actual numbers out of the equation so no one can do the math, that’s obviously the exact reason this question is being asked.

Bronze 5 is by far the deepest of ranks it spans arguably from 0-1100. Yeah it’s going to take awhile to surpass. Most ranks are about 100 SR on the old system.

If the stat window actually worked in career profile, the convo could be different. I’ve played over 30 games in ranked. Says I’ve played 3.

consistency means far more than getting a good play once or twice a game

its a bug. i am also hard stuck bronze 5 despite overwhelmingly positive win ratio.
twitter is blowing up with posts about it too.

There was one where a duo literally only played together. They never played alone. one got bronze 5 and one got silver. the silver was able to rank up, but the bronze 5 was not.

its like anyone who gets bronze 5 is stuck forever RN


just because you place in bronze 5 originally doesn’t mean you’ll stay there. there are a small number of people with bugged accounts, apparently, but most people are just placing lower than expected and raging out instead of just doing a few more rounds of 7 wins to see what happens.

i placed bronze 5 in support, then after 7 wins silver 3, then after another 7 wins gold 5.

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I agree with you. Bronze 5 yet when I play quick play I feel like I’m a freaking god. I am not the best player by any means but I doubt I belong in the very worst tier. If they dont fix this BS I will simply stop playing the game. There are lots of games to play I don’t need to play something I can’t move up in.