It is very discouraging seeing how the system doesn’t work as they tell you it should.
I placed Bronze 5. Grinded my 7 wins just to be left in Bronze 5. How does that encourage anyone to keep grinding? At least show what are the determining factors to rank up. It is very frustrating trying to improve on a system that doesn’t let you know what you should be improving on according to their metrics.
I thought this new season was going to be more clear cut. Win 7 or lose whoever many and you get a boost or a boot. I would’ve been fine with that. This just feels bad.
I’m struggling with the same thing, 28 wins out of 48 total games and I’m still bronze 5.
Just also adding that a lot of losses are when people have just left the game or been booted out due to the constant server issues over the last few days
Maybe bronze works in ow2 similar to ow1, aka it’s deeper than other ranks. Also, 28 wins from 48 games is just 4 games than don’t get neutralized by losses +unless you had ties). So considering that and the possibility of bronze 5 going very deep down I’m not as surprised. I haven’t played comp yet, I think I will today and see how the system treats me.
It’s not guaranteed to promote you, otherwise you’d be able to climb with a 7/20 winrate. I was confused about that detail at first too.
They also placed everybody low, so until the ranks spread out, it might be really hard to climb out of the low end. E.g if someone was silver before, but got placed bronze 5, they might not be able to get to silver until the rest of the population (diamond+ etc) climbs back. Just speculation
I figured that as you move up in ranks it would require more wins to move up and fewer losses to get knocked down. Apparently it’s more complicated than that. Would love some explanation myself as I just finished 7 wins with 3 losses and I’m still bronze 5. Which really doesn’t fit as I’ve played the game since release, and I know I’m better than the lowest rank they have.
winning all games doesn’t necessarily put you on higher tier, neither should it. you could’ve been carried the whole way. I actually much prefer OW2’s system. If you’re not making positive impact on the game, you shouldn’t go up.
Atleast show people what they need to do to go up, or how close they are or how far away. Random guessing wheter or not you are “good” or “bad” doesn’t do anything at all. Who decides what is a positive impact? Is it kills? Most damage taken as a tank? That is a very strange way to look at it.
So I am missing my stats for current comp season. Been playing comp, winning and loosing but know idea where I stand bronze or what. Where can I find this.
Well, the evidence I have for this is the many reports of various players’ ranking experience. The hypothesis would easily explain your as well as everyone else’s experience.
But if you prefer to believe that the matchmaker is broken to protect your ego, be my guest.
Same thing here. Got placed Bronze 5. Won the next 7 games, no loss. Still Bronze 5. I was not expecting to climb up to Gold in one go, but at least Bronze 4, idk.
I don’t understand what you mean by grinding. Ostensibly you are playing competitive games for the joy of playing competitive games. If you have an expectation of continual upward progress for “time served” then you are doomed to be disappointed.
What do you think you did to improve your gameplay that means you should have ranked up? Winning 7 games. I’m sure you played your heart out to get them. But that doesn’t necessarily mean you actually improved.
You should expect your rank to settle and improve at a snails pace rather quickly if the only thing you’re doing to improve is continue to play. After a certain point you have to start analyzing what needs improvement and focusing on it to make progress.
Ultimately, you’re going to plateau somewhere and that’s just the nature of competition. It’s folly to expect to climb forever. Granted you’re veritably at the bottom and practically the only direction you can go is up. It’s not exactly unreasonable to expect to have learned something that would lift you out of Bronze 5 with even a few games. So in that specific case, I can see how this is very discouraging.
But the way you wrote your post, you do seem hype focused on the climb. And my advice regarding that is to not expect to climb at all unless you’re focused on specific improvements to your gameplay. Even then, trying to improve and actually improving are different things. Sometimes you even get worse as you unlearn bad habits or retrain muscle memory to a new mouse sensitivity, etc. Some people DO climb just by playing more and more and learning things as they experiment or observe others. But there’s always a point of diminishing returns with that. So eventually you just have to accept that’s the rank you’re going to be at until you work on specific improvements.
So if I sacrifice my stats to sit on the payload while my team demolishes the other team and we get a win because of it, I should be punished in rank because of it? Not no, but hell no. One of the things I’ve always liked about Overwatch is the ability to think outside the box to get a win. And if that’s taken away it might as well be League of Legends where I got yelled at for my build, not because it brought us crushing victory one after another, but because it wasn’t meta. I will NOT play a game like that.