No change after 7 wins

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Yeah, but how on earth are we supposed to know if we’re doing what we’re supposed to if the only thing we get is that we’re either in the same rank or we’re not after x number of games? I mean, if I’m doing something wrong and don’t know what I’m doing wrong then how do I improve?


Idk look at my profile; I’m not lying tho, why would I lie about being in gold lmao, it’s not necessarily a big accomplishment

They give you some stats to go by, but honestly if you really want to improve post a vod review for high elo ppl to look at, I’m sure they can give you MANY critiques and tips

Just flag Mcjagger posts as trolling as I have done. He’s not trying to help or shed light on the issue.

Winning 7 games causes a rank change, 20 losses or draw also. People can’t just keep winning and stay at bronze 5 no one is gonna play compeitive and anyone who some miraculously makes it higher will have no one to play with etc

Blizzard needs to address this as a bug and then it needs fixing. Plain and simple


If it was a bug you think they wouldn’t of disclosed that in the bug notes, hmmm? Nah instead of wanting to improve you just want to blame an invisible boogie man; news flash most people don’t place bronze 5 so there is def a reason for it, that’s all I’m gonna say lol

News flash. I know I did really well in most of my first matches in comp in this game. Several where I steamrolled and was the one doing the steamrolling. The only explanation for them to put me so low is that they didn’t reset the MMR like they were supposed to. And the only reason I was bronze in OW1 was because I was stuck there. Smurfs, leavers, close matches that we ended up losing by a hair, etc. I’ll admit that when I first started playing, I didn’t really know what I was doing and made a lot of mistakes until I started watching videos about it. I improved. So much so that I placed gold when I got a second account. But I don’t want to focus on my second account. I want my main account to get out of bronze. Then I might work on my second account when (not if) I do. I sometimes hate my ocd, but it’s there nonetheless.

and you know this how? There has been zero communication from blizzard on how this works.


So if bronze is like equivalent 500-1500 SR, then each of 5 tiers is worth about 200 SR range.

For average 25 SR on win under old system 7 win streak (no losses) would be 175 SR which would not be enough to advance a tier.

Since blizz said they didn’t do an MMR reset, for accounts they already have lots of data on probably more than 7 wins are needed to see progress. IIRC they said they would give you an update every 7 wins or 20 losses, but did not imply your rank would increase or decrease, just update.


Then why would they bother telling you that your rank would be adjusted after every 7 wins if 7 wins is never going to be enough to rank up?

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IIRC they said you would get an update. Not an advancement.

7 wins 7 loss record for example probably your update would unsurprisingly put you at same tier.

I also know newer accounts used to get accelerated SR gains from wins until they settled out.

Ultimately I think its dumb that they hide your ELO, but I wouldn’t expect a divisional rank up every update.


I THINK The smart person (lets say person for now ) who thought of this system done the following
you will get punished for every lose but we wont tell you about it

so basically if you win the 7 games and lost 10
you lose sr that the 7 wins wont even matter
it is another lie that isn’t lie technically
i played alot of ranked today
out of the full day playing i had like 10 games people left
and some games people throwing when it is 100% win

so the question here ! why the hell not resting the damn sr for all players and start playing from start it is too depressing than OW old system

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Rank is based off your average performance over 7 wins or 20 losses. I don’t think it’s anything to do with win/loss anymore. Certainly explains how people can win 7 straight and not rank up.

Yes your hidden SR would get ‘punished’ for each loss.

Why would you think there would not be penalties in ranking for losses?

You’re making some pretty intense claims of 21 wins in a row or whatever without any proof which would be quite easy to just take a screenshot. Sounds like its you who’s trolling.

Making seemingly exaggerated claims of rank system being broken with no proof than false reporting others for trolling when they ask for a pic, yeah just report Nemesis for trolling, got it.

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Ask blizzard, not me. We don’t know, lol

Sounds like you were carried through 21 games in a row.


im not
but when i got only 2 loses on my 1st 7 and still got bronze 5
and yes a player shouldn’t been punished for people leaving in mid game . people dont know they getting punished for it so they are leaving …
i should be punished when i play bad not when someone leaves the game .
it is really pointless to play ranked on this system … at least in the old one you can push a win alone if you try hard enough now it is near impossible to do .
if you play healer and tank is bad you lose
if you play tank and healers are dpsing you lose
if you play dps and no healing or tank is bad you lose
those cases are enough to be punished for it not getting punished because people trolling and leave games or stand at point to lose .
the funniest player leave today was when i told the tank play as team and dont charge far …he just left the game …
at this state we lose sr more than we earn …which make ranking and leveling up is near impossible and the worst thing that in couple of days will be even worse because of the new comers
wanna know how the new comers play
go quick play and see with your own eyes
the quick play that you will see that will be the norm in 2 weeks max


If your MMR put you with bronze players then it is likely that even if you won or lost all your placements you would still wind up in bronze. Blizz did not do an MMR reset so your MMR relative to how you ended OW1 is very likely not elastic.

Everyone I have talked to has placed lower than OW1 ranking by significant margin. I also placed around 1.5 ranks lower than I had in OW1 (2680 SR → Silver 1) So if you were high silver low gold in OW1 probably you were always going to be bronze in OW2 regardless of your placement record, in the same way that placements in OW1 never shifted you that much once your MMR was established over several seasons.

I was low diamond at the end of OW1. Just did my placements, won all 7, steamrolled every team, performed incredibly well personally.

Blizzards verdict - Gold 2.

My guess - Blizz really wants to tout those “hours played” statistics to their investors by placing people low.