NIntendo Skins you would like to see in Overwatch

Title. 20 characters. I personally would want Palutena Mercy.

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Samus Aran Dva skin would be pretty dope

Her meka would be the ship and her baby form would be in the battle suit.


Probably a Poke Ball mech with an Ash Ketchem That would be very cool. :stuck_out_tongue:

Genji could also make a good Captain Falcon


Would love it if they would do that.

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how can you say that and not apply it to hammond?


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Better yet a Hammond skin with him as Pikachu and his mech as a pokeball.

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A Bowsette costume for Zarya!


bowsette is my waifu

nintendo would show some real balls if they put her in a mario game

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I said Ash, not Pikachu. :rofl:

Hmm, Waluigi Sigma. :grinning:

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Wario Roadhog. Nuff said

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Moira: Bayonetta
Lucio: Yoshi or Toad
Mercy: Princess Peach or Zelda
Pharah: Maybe a Charizard skin
Wauigi Junkrat and Wario Roadhog, so perfect


Bayonetta Tracer. They both speak with an accent, have dual-wield guns, and have similar attire (aka, they both show butts).

Captain N Tracer, dual-wielding light zapper guns.

Saw somebody already posted Mario Mei. Was going to say something like a Mario Lucio.

Bayonetta symmetra.

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Bayonetta Tracer
Mario Torb
Luigi Brig
Bowser Reinhardt
Winston Donkey Kong
Samus Pharah or Samus
Meta Knight Genji

I’d rather they not add any Nintendo skins, especially if they’re just gonna be Switch exclusive.

Maybe a Skin like this for Brigitte, idk.
1 Pikachu with pokeball as Hammond (pokeball for mecha) 2 Samus zero suit for Baby dva and Samus’ ship for mecha, 3 Skull Kid with majora’s mask for reaper, 4 Peach Mercy 5 Winston Donkey Kong 6 Inkling Lucio, 7 Ganondorf Doomfist, 8 Tracer mario (I know, is weird to think it, but imagine it, Tracer with a red shirt and a blue overall, her glasses with the shape of mario’s moustache and the red cap with a T instead an M)

Im saying to be released to all versions of the game