Next Hero Needs A Flamethrower


Did anyone use the flamethrower class in Return to Castle Wolfenstein?

Think that’s got to be my favourite flamethrower in a game ever :slight_smile:

Because valve truly created the weapon flamethrower so no one else can use it.

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There was a character in one of their pitch artworks/designs that was called “Phoenix”. Apparently it had a flight ability (a jetpack?) and a flame thrower.

Imagine a high mobility airborne hero that can contest Pharmercy in the sky at close range. You could get some real dogfights going :sunglasses:

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Then how are you going to make a hero based on it? A pyromaniac? Or a fire bender? Sure if you can make a hero that has proper lore and is fun to play.

It can be a normal person, really.

That’s what McCree SHOULD be.

If he is a normal person. He/She won’t be defined by his/herself instead by the weapon.

You don’t see Widow be remembered as “That one sniper lady” insead as the cold blooded assassin and also the wife of a Overwatch agent.

You don’t see Hanzo as “The one that welds the bow”, instead as the person who killed his own brother and seeks redemption.

My mind can be changed. CHANGE MY MIND. :kissing:

inb4 TF2 fanboy calling out overwatch for ripping off pyro

Pewpewpew! :wink:

No. We need a hero with a proper gun.
It’s time for a hero who actually has to aim.

because in the wake of brigitte and moira what we really need is pyro from tf2

Huh that actually doesn’t seem like a bad idea but that would for sure have to be a legendary skin. Although, when an enemy is frozen I would say they would still look frozen but instead of them being icy blue, they could be fiery red.

Genji, McCree, Reaper, Pharah, Soldier, Sombra, Tracer, Bastion, Hanzo, Widowmaker, Orisa, Roadhog, Zarya, Ana, Lucio, Moira, and Zenyatta all say hi!

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The only hero that should be in Overwatch who has a flamethrower is Hank Scorpio.

I wholeheartedly agree, need me that flamethrower! OW devs, make it happen.

Flamethrowers are finicky and hard to get right (e.g. Pyro from TF2). It’s pointless because there’s already a hero that basically has a cold flamethrower (especially after her recent buff)

Actually, I posted a concept for a flamethrower Tank just yesterday.

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How did Moira make that list?

Because her beam is not a lock on, it’s just that the animation makes it look that way. It’s more just a Zarya beam that is reanimated to look like a lock on.