Next experimental card likely on Thursday

Isn’t next Thursday Thanksgiving? Does Blizz works on Holidays?

thanksgiving so one(1) little turkey spray that makes a turkey noise when sprayed

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Grey, Sym is meta right now… in GM.

(Well, at-least from all the GM streams i’ve watched)

Some genji changes. Hopefully he gets some tweaks with base kit to make it better and nerfing his ult charge rate. Would love that.


Middle ground changes to Brig, maybe some buffs to Reaper, Mei, Sym, or a revert to Tracer’s falloff.

No, you don’t get to have the best ult in the game with no weaknesses unlike others and also best base kit, it’s for the sake of obvious balance. understand it, it’s the reason why genji mains can’t be taken serious - for the lack of gratitude
If anything you can slightly buff base kit but adding a charge rate nerf as only compensation won’t do enough.

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What I would like:

  • Global hitscan nerfs
  • Sigma nerfs or partial rework
  • buffs

What is probably going to happen next;

  • Orisa Bap and Sig all nerfed into the ground (Bonus points for Brig and Zen nerfs)
  • “Small” buff to already-above-average DPS that makes them completely overpowered
  • Some other nonsensical change that makes the next meta just as bad as Gigahog

Brig Changes:
1.150 hp 75 armor = 225
2. 300 shield
3. 1 repair pack
Option 1: Burst heal 75 hp 6 second cool down
Option 2: Flat 25 armor, last 2 seconds. 6 seconds cool down
4. Buff inspire 20 hps Brig self heal 16 hps

Yeah… and why should I take you seriously on this claim alone?

Right… but your take on genji being “the best dps” from telling by what you just said before this comment should be taken seriously… Ok… lol.

I want the developers to just take the holiday weekend off, and work out the next experimental for next week instead. Everyone deserves some R&R after the year we’ve had.

As far as balance changes go, I’d like an ult charge nerf to Baptiste and a DM range buff for D.Va.

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On Thanksgiving?

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Probably more changes to Brig and Sigma, cause they ‘have issues’ :roll_eyes:

inb4, “we’re seeing double shields coming back so… we’re nerfing… BRIG”

Wouldnt that be the same thing … :open_mouth::open_mouth::open_mouth::open_mouth:

What are the lore reasons they’d have to make up for punching someone into a wall being able to heal them?

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If I could rocket punch team mates back to full health- doing bonus hjealz for pancaking them into a wall? I’d be all over it.


lmao I love how you always stop posting for a while at the perfect post count…

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We mustn’t question! Just embrace the beauty it may create! Imagine unpunching someone by punching them! The possibilities are endless!

I wouldn’t be surprised to see Sigma and Bap nerfs. Hot take but I think there might be Ana nerfs too.

As for things I’d like, the only thing I desperately want is a Lucio ult cost decrease.


Ana shoots people with a sniper rifle to heal them so it isn’t that far off from a lore standpoint…