Next 2 heroes after Ramattra are both Supports

Yea, I do not think new supports are going to get people to play them.

Considering DPS players make up a large chunk of the playerbase, I doubt this will actually be the case.

They just need to release more tanks and supports than DPS, like 1 DPS for every 2 supports and tanks added, until each role is roughly equal in terms of heroes.

None of this indicates that the next two heroes will he Support though

If you say so :v:

Time will tell

The truth is that it depends on if they managed to appease support players early. If not, we are definitely getting back to back supports, no doubt.

But in a world where they alleviate the problem, I could see a dps skipping ahead. They are working on multiple heroes at once, so it would not be unreasonable, per se.

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Of course plans could always change. I’m just relaying the current plans that they’ve told us.


It is useless that in 2023 another 2 supports come out, if they don’t give anything new to the current ones… (and fix Mercy, she is one of the most popular heroes and is in a dying state… being the worst support) they are only temporary patches, that when the hype is over, the bottleneck rises again without stopping without limits (what is currently happening).

Her new movement is awesome though.

It is useless to have a good movement if it is the worst support.

She’s fine.

All of the supports are pretty close.

Except Kiriko, who’s ult is pretty crazy.

No, Mercy is not fine, is the worst support and need buffs.

0 Pickrate in all 2022 OWL, right? , win rate from OW1 to OW2 has dropped a lot, can’t deal with 5v5 environment.

My prediction is Overlord being a support hero with drone healing or whatever as 1 of those 2 supports, unsure what the 2nd support would be and Mauga should be the hero at the end of the next year or so I hope.

Its on the F2P side, + to sell it even more but what REALLY sells it for the most part is the 49 cosmetics.

Leave him he just can’t accept there won’t be new dps until 2024 atleast.


My money is on the next support being dps.

Season 8 hero is gonna be a DPS they’ve confirmed that

They confirmed their wont be a single dps in 2023. So its more than likely another tank

when did they do that?

Im trying to find the article but it was like the Devs talking about that the next DPS will only come in 2024 possibly in Season 8 and they are already playtesting the hero

If im not wrong S8 starts in December. So our next dps hero should be out S10

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