Next 2 heroes after Ramattra are both Supports

…No…? We know the next two heroes after Ramattra are supports…

And then the quote from Aaron implies that the hero after that is a tank :man_facepalming:

So tank (Ramattra) > support > support > tank

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No we dont lol

Please do not lie on the forums

Read the OP :v:

Imagine all the hundreds hours of grinding the same repetitive Battle Passes until we get 2 or 3 new heroes :sweat_smile:

I’m already fed up midway of Season 1… looks promising for season 2 xD…

I really hope there’s a new game mode in Early 2023 or the PVE mode 'cause I’m really not sure to be physically able to put up with this low amount of content and the repetitiveness to only earn 60 coins a week…

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The OP does not confirm that the next 2 heroes after Ram are Support though

By the way, they wont be

How do you know Mauga isn’t one of the supports


“We’ve got two more supports and another tank in just the first couple of seasons”

And then the quote from Aaron explicitly saying we aren’t getting another DPS hero for a while :joy:

Whatever you say buddy :joy:


Mauga could also be a DPS. I’m not sure why everyone is believing he’s a tank (just because he’s pretty muscular and big). That would be pretty interesting if he wasn’t a tank haha (very little chance though but why not - I mean they’re considering removing counter-picking heroes, why not reconsidering how tanks are shaped).

We could really use a male support though !

That is actually the exact quote word by word.

Well, Ramattra is our Tank, as for the 2 Supports after him I have no idea/clue who they could be… only 1 I have in mind is Maximillien.

There really are no clear support candidates huh…


This quote was from before Kiriko was released. “First couple of seasons” naturally includes season 1, meaning Kiriko is likely one of the two new supports mentioned. This was also implied on OWL leading up to release, when one of the devs mentioned a ‘second new support’ coming soon after launch.

Unless there are additional quotes I’m forgetting (which is very possible!), I don’t think it’s been suggested that there will be two consecutive support releases. It could still conceivably happen, given that Blizz is aware the role is in desperate need of heroes. I’m afraid to get my hopes up though.

Lol give the dead role more characters might help us feel better in lower elo getting destroyed because no teamplay and blizzard really don’t care about below gm. Even the balances they have ready we’re not implemented because holiday shop skins……

So over the course of the first year, you’ll see several tank and support heroes added to the game . We don’t ever want to stop development on DPS heroes but we want to just shift the needle a little bit so that we have some additional development going into the other two roles while we’re still developing DPS heroes.

Several tanks and supports in the first year. And we know he wasn’t including the launch heroes in that because he said DPS heroes are being put on the backburner.

Edit: The link to the article

Mathematically he has to be including the launch heroes. New tank and support heroes, both plural, means 4 heroes minimum, but Blizz is only releasing 3 heroes per year. So the start of his ‘year’ must measure from launch.

That’s my interpretation, but this is an informal quote that doesn’t specify hero quantities or seasons, so maybe it’s best not to read too much into it. Also need to keep in mind that T4 is known for delivering misinformation in streams and vids, either through error or because the information becomes outdated as their plans change.

On the other hand, I’d love for you to be right. I see no reason why they couldn’t modify their roadmap a little to release an additional hero next year. It’s guaranteed money for them. At the very least we could be getting two supports and one tank, and I’d be perfectly happy with that. :+1:

Season 2 is a tank. Then next year it goes support for season 4, support for season 6, and then tank for season 8.

That’s multiple tanks and supports in the first year (I don’t think “first year” is meant to be so literal as to mean 365 days, I think it means from launch until the end of next year)

I’m pretty sure the devs stated tank support support.

I’m not sure why anyone is even trying to discuss any interpretation of it or something. They’ve literally said tank support support idk why people are trying to suggest anything else otherwise against your factual statement.

Conspiracy time: Sanjay will be a support, the way that Symmetra was supposed to be.

…we’ve needed another evil/Talon support for a while besides Moira. The role is getting a little too goody-goody for my taste, especially since Baptiste and Kiriko are morally grey at best.

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Jetpack Cat, of course.


Jetpack Cat was supposedly a leaked ability in PvE. Summon him for an assist or something, IDK.

Does the next support hero have Anti-tank capability as Brigitte or something like Kiriko where she plays like Baptiste and climbs walls like Lucio? For Ramattra is he an omnic robot like Zenyatta or not?

Then why are heroes in the battlepass?

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