Emphasis added.
Is this a bug?
If the turrets aren’t going to be noticeably more powerful, we should still be allowed 6, especially if the cooldown is the same.
Emphasis added.
Is this a bug?
If the turrets aren’t going to be noticeably more powerful, we should still be allowed 6, especially if the cooldown is the same.
I’ve heard that it’s a bug. The turrets should be doing more damage and slow.
Thx, I forgot to mention that, edited first post.
I srsly hope this is the case cause otherwise thats a significant nerf.
They have higher dmg, Hp (30 each) and slow.
It’s might a bug based on what they describe?
The turrets were taking, based on my watch, 6-7 seconds to kill a 250 health training bot. That’s 35-40 dps for an auto-aim, ranged deployable with perfect aim that slows. Combined with their new 30 health and they might be grossly OP with actual double damage (old damage was 30 dps. 60 might be pushing it)
I would honestly prefer 6 turrets without the extra damage or slow.
Did you actually watch the PTR vs Live turret video? Cause if they do, its literally like 5 more dps/% slow than live.
Combined with their new 30 health and they might be grossly OP with actual double damage (old damage was 30 dps. 60 might be pushing it)
But she can store less, and have less out, all without reducing the cooldown. Especially because now if you stack all of her turrets they’ll only do 90 dps, which is pretty poor.
Even 60 dps is only 10 more than Moira primary, or the same as Winston tesla, both of which are widely acknowledged to be “low damage”.
They are supposed be less powerful than 6 simultaneous turrets prior to rework (because having the same DMG on 3 turrets with total cooldown ending up halved would be ridiculous), but they are stronger than 3 used to be (now they should be equal to 4-4.5 turrets in terms of dmg). Turrets have higher survivability and Sym has her overall DPS and range increased (up to 160 DPS, which she can easily land on slowed targets). So yeah turrets should feel weaker in terms of dmg per second, but they last waaayyyy longer than before, can be placed in more hard to reach spots and have higher CC potential.
When Sym players raised the concern that only 3 turrets would be useless, Geoff Goodman assured us that wouldn’t be the case, precisely because one turret would do the damage of almost 2.
40 damage, vs 30, is not “almost 2”. Its almost one. You can see from the video, go watch it, 2 turrets take EXACTLY the same time to melt one robot. I can’t say for sure about the slow, cause thats hard to tell, but as for damage they have definitely not been made as powerful as promised.
30 hp is also still extremely fragile (you can still take them out with even a quick melee), espeically since they have no way of regaining health, and now we have less of them but the same cooldown our turrets per second rate has also been reduced.
So what we have is fragile turrets that do less max damage/slow, and a lower turrets per second, and all we really get in exchange is … the ability to throw them i.e. a quality of life change that Sym players have been begging for for years.
If this isn’t a bug, its a nerf. There’s no two ways about it.
If it is in fact not a bug, they should reduce the CD on turrets to like 7 or 8 seconds IMO.
P.S. I would also be happy if they just gave what they stated (1 turret = almost 2 turrets).
I mean yeah they could do that, especially because the turrets used to have a 7 second cooldown in alpha …
… but I also wish they had less damage and more slow. Perhaps even the ability to disable movement abilities whilst tethered to someone.
I value the CC aspect of the turrets much more than the damage, and I really wish they would go this route with this.
Imagine turrets like this:
Disabling movement abilities would make this a counter to Brigitte’s Shield Bash. I am sure everyone would be on board for that one haha!
In all seriousness though, I would love turrets like this as well! Kudos!
I think I know why they made the turrets the same dps.
Its her gun.
With old primary and six turrets, at full charge, a Sym could put out 300 dps.
With new primary and new turrets, Sym puts out the same amount of max. damage.
So basically, even tho she’s being moved to damage, they’re not increasing her damage. And she’s more support oriented than ever before.